Tatuaje Black. I burnt my fingers on this one. If anyone has any they are willing to part with, let me know
I actually obtained them from someone else...so I am not 100% sure on actual size...but it is about 5.5 x 46 guage. So say Corona with a little more gauge to it. I had one before and thought that it was one of the best smokes I have tried...it was a lot smaller but delicious!What size are they. I smoked a few of a couple of different sizes at the festival this year. 2000 wasn't a great year for a lot of the bigger brands but the slr's from 00 were great. Stronger smokes then you would expect but you are in for a treat. This is coming from a guy with a pretty good cc pimp hand. ENJOY
that's too bad. tats just like it south of the border!3rd was an exploding Noella that I gave up on after a half inch.
Replaced it with an Anejo Shark