I remember when I learned how bad can electricity get ye. Grade school, had to do a project on the telegraph. I was always he who tried his best at those projects (if I made a terrarium of cake with a lake of jello init for a talk about dinosaurs...), thus I made two wee houses conected with cable poles, mountains in the middle...the sort. Onewhich had a buzzer, the other rang and lit a small lightbulb. So, I proceed to plugitin and demonstrate - but a wire got loose. I grab a screwdriver, unscrew the thing, grab the naked end of the wire and bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt. Lights dimmed, and then I flew a couple of feet. Weirdest part is I sort of enjoyed the buzz and started playing games that delivered shocks; until I found out I was epyleptic.