So when Canadians riot what do you do, go Moose tipping? :razz:It is the Canadian version of the 4th of july. Not really an indepenance day though as we never really serarated. We have become to think of it as Canada's birthday. Really just another reason to get drunk and riot.
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You would be surprised how hard it is to find a decent selection of bourbon up here. The standard drink from Canada Rye Whiskey. It is unfortunately very hard on many people. Makes an angry drunk, also known as ryetarded. We also invented the caesar which you can't order outside of Canada or they look at you like you are a little slow.Like St. Paddie's here! I have a new reason to pour me some bourbon now!
Ye'd be amazed at the PRICE of bourbon here.You would be surprised how hard it is to find a decent selection of bourbon up here. The standard drink from Canada Rye Whiskey. It is unfortunately very hard on many people. Makes an angry drunk, also known as ryetarded. We also invented the caesar which you can't order outside of Canada or they look at you like you are a little slow.