BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
Thia a.m I had to go to work early. It was raining hard all night. I couldnt sleep, I was up till 2:00 a.m. About 1:30 I hear a faint soft almost mosquito beeeeeeep. I thought it was the laptop. Nope I' ve heard that sound before. The backup sump pump I put in that has never gone on before(expcept when testing). Go down and see the backup pumping constantly, turn the light on in the closet. The main isn't working. Get a peice of 3ft long 1/2inch copper and poke the float arm switch a few times. It goes on. Needless to say it pumps almost every 5 seconds for the next half hour. Im up now 2 hrs later and it is still pumping every other min. Must of had a few thousand gallons in the drainidge baisin and sock around the foundation. SHOULD OF KNOWN BETTER because no pumping sound earlier in the night. Good thing I put that backup in asap the week the basement was finished. Yep saved by the beeeeep!!!!!