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Saved by the beeeeeeep!


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
Thia a.m I had to go to work early. It was raining hard all night. I couldnt sleep, I was up till 2:00 a.m. About 1:30 I hear a faint soft almost mosquito beeeeeeep. I thought it was the laptop. Nope I' ve heard that sound before. The backup sump pump I put in that has never gone on before(expcept when testing). Go down and see the backup pumping constantly, turn the light on in the closet. The main isn't working. Get a peice of 3ft long 1/2inch copper and poke the float arm switch a few times. It goes on. Needless to say it pumps almost every 5 seconds for the next half hour. Im up now 2 hrs later and it is still pumping every other min. Must of had a few thousand gallons in the drainidge baisin and sock around the foundation. SHOULD OF KNOWN BETTER because no pumping sound earlier in the night. Good thing I put that backup in asap the week the basement was finished. Yep saved by the beeeeep!!!!!
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Mar 31, 2009
After a few flooding ordeals we also put in a back up sump pump. Also, for total overkill we dug up the entire yard to install pvc to rout the drain spouts away from the house and way down to the bottom of the yard. So now the rgeular sump pump hardly EVER kicks on, but if it does we have a $500 back-up. :scratchhe:
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Feb 19, 2007
Johnsburg, IL
I know that shit Justin! When all this rain flippin' stops you need to take a good look at the set-up in your basin. My float got stuck a few times and I ended up rearanging the pipe and moved the pump over so the float would be right in the middle. Or you can get a different style sump.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
I know that shit Justin! When all this rain flippin' stops you need to take a good look at the set-up in your basin. My float got stuck a few times and I ended up rearanging the pipe and moved the pump over so the float would be right in the middle. Or you can get a different style sump.
Thats the scarry thing I put it in and the float switch was just stuck. No stuck on basin wall or anything. And it was in the up position should of been on. Ball was totaly under water. I think its time for a new pump. (already have it just need to wait a week for all the water to drain from around foundation. Also before the yard was put in I put in the popups gutter drains with a 15 ft yard ext. But the basin still does what it is suppose to in heavy rain.


Stogie Noob
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Jul 31, 2009
San Jose,CA
I have no idea what that means but good shit:thumbsup:
In the states, quite a few houses have basements. If you are not equipped with a sump pump or a working sump pump, you may find a small pond in your basement sooner or later depending upon the saturation level of the ground around your dwelling.
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Feb 19, 2007
Johnsburg, IL
That does suck! I forget the kind I have but it's nice. Made outta stainless steel and it doesn't have a float arm but instead the float goes up and down a rod so I think it steer clear of many outside problems.