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sometimes i shake my head..


BoM July '10
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Feb 6, 2009
Where players go to play
People just suck sometimes. I remember a similar story from a few years back where a man complained about a 9am fly by over his residence at low altitude and went on and on about how today's military has changed and would not have happened in his military...to find out it was in rememberence of a fallen soldier...the response from the general was classic and diplomatic and the response back from the complainant was humbled (he was a WW2 veteran). People just need to slow down from time to time and think...maybe...just maybe...the world does not revolve around you....just my $.02

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
People just suck sometimes. I remember a similar story from a few years back where a man complained about a 9am fly by over his residence at low altitude and went on and on about how today's military has changed and would not have happened in his military...to find out it was in rememberence of a fallen soldier...the response from the general was classic and diplomatic and the response back from the complainant was humbled (he was a WW2 veteran). People just need to slow down from time to time and think...maybe...just maybe...the world does not revolve around you....just my $.02
I remember that too and the guy felt like a duechebag when he found out what it was for and offered a public apology, but this dumb bitch knew what it was for and still complained!!


Veteran Eccentric
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Jul 14, 2009
Salem, Or
i wish more people said what they think like this sherrif did. the world would be alot better for it.


Not the mad fladder!
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Sep 1, 2009
Marana Az
My hat is off to that sheriff. WTG! I can not stand people like this. I am on active duty, and also a patriot guard rider and it really burns me when another American can't pay respect to a hero that gave his/her life defending our country.

Patriotism is not dead though. Last weekend I was on a PGR mission for a young man that had given his life for his country and during the procession every town was lined with people holding flags to honor him. It was a incredible sight to see, and a great way to honor our fallen hero.
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Jun 13, 2009
Central Coast, CA
Way to go sherrif Boyer. i think since the eight years of 9/11 and the war americans have forgotten that ther're are men and women out there risking everything so that we can enjoy our way of life. Hopefully this story will cause people to stop and thank god that we have such brave men and women in this country