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Damnit...I have pneumonia..no smoking for awhile


Benny Hill's Understudy
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Mar 11, 2009
Nasti Nati
Well yesterday after going to the doc for feeling like hell and not being able to breathe I found out I have an upper respiratory infection/pneumonia. He put me on an inhaler, an antibiotic, and a steroid. Not being able to smoke majorly sucks...this is my thing, my enjoyment,my way to unwind, my pasttime, my sport! Stupid lungs! :cursing:

That cincy herf on Saturday probably didn't help...but it was damn fun and worth it!
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BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
Aww man, that sucks Eric. Now I feel bad for calling you a pussy on Saturday, lol. Just kidding, I don't feel bad.

I'll pray for a speedy recovery for ya! I had to take steroids once or twice -- they suck balls. You'll get to take a few days off work for this one. Get the wife to rent you some movies :)

You can just dream of the Westie and one of the Mag 50s that are waiting for you for when you feel better :)


Benny Hill's Understudy
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Mar 11, 2009
Nasti Nati
Take off work...no way! I am working b/c I only want to take off for fun stuff! If I am off work I want a drink in one hand and a cigar in the other! Hey, I still burned 3 sticks saturday when I was only planning one! (that never works does it!) :agreeclen
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Jun 13, 2009
Central Coast, CA
Hope you are feeling better. You really should lay off the smokes untill you get better. smoking just going to prolong the infection. enought nagging smoke em if you got em. get well soon


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
Take off work...no way! I am working b/c I only want to take off for fun stuff! If I am off work I want a drink in one hand and a cigar in the other! Hey, I still burned 3 sticks saturday when I was only planning one! (that never works does it!) :agreeclen
lol, I know how that is. I'd rather work when I'm sick too -- 'cuz you can't enjoy the day off anyway! Plus, no one will make a fuss if you slack off a bit, since every time you cough you probably sound like Death.


Benny Hill's Understudy
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Mar 11, 2009
Nasti Nati
lol, I know how that is. I'd rather work when I'm sick too -- 'cuz you can't enjoy the day off anyway! Plus, no one will make a fuss if you slack off a bit, since every time you cough you probably sound like Death.
Yes, people hate me right now...but I'm not contagious...so F-um! :hysterica

Check this out...we are putting a railing around our deck and I asked the wife if she could take the electric palm sander and sand down the posts and railings....so while I an treating some of the other rails I notice the air is like really thick and I start coughing like crazy and she is coughing as well...I keep working...then I look over and see she is using the sander without the dust catcher bag on it! I'm like what the hell are you doing! Put the dust bag on! You took a year off my life! (happens 2 days before I find out I have pneumonia) She replies "oh that is what that little baggie is for!"
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BoM Decembre '08
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Aug 12, 2008
Mexico City
Get well soon!

Pneumonia treatment using Fenugreek:

During the early acute stage of pneumonia, a tea made from fenugreek seeds will help the body to produce perspiration, dispel toxicity, and shorten the period of fever. Upto four cups of the tea can be taken daily. The quantity can be reduced as the condition improves. To improve the flavour of the tea, a few drops of lemon juice may be added. During this treatment, no other food or nourishment should be taken, as fasting and fenugreek will allow the body to correct these respiratory problems in a few days.

Pneumonia treatment using Garlic:

Garlic is a marvellous remedy for pneumonia, if given in sufficient quantities. It brings down the temperature, as well as the pulse and respiration within forty-eight hours. A paste of garlic can also be applied externally on the chest with beneficial results as it is an irritant and rubefacient

Pneumonia treatment using Sesame Seeds:

Sesame seeds are valuable in pneumonia. An infusion of the seeds can be made by steeping 15 gm of seeds in 250 ml of water. This infusion, mixed with a tablespoon of linseed, a pinch of common salt, and a dessertspoon of honey, should be given in the treatment of this disease. This will help remove catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes.

Pneumonia treatment using Parsnip Juice:

The juice of parsnip, a root vegetable botanically known as Pastinaca sativa, has been found beneficial in the treatment of pneumonia. The juice of the leaves and root of this plant possess high therapeutic value. The phosphorus and chlorine elements contained therein are of particular benefit to the lungs and the bronchial system, thus making the juice an excellent home remedy for pneumonia. The patient should take 250 ml of juice daily. It is however, essential that only the juice of the cultivated parsnip plant should be used for this purpose. The wild variety must not be used in juices as it contains some poisonous ingredients.

Pneumonia treatment using Other vegetable Juices:

The juice of carrots, in combination either with spinach juice, or beet and cucumber juices, has also been found useful in pneumonia. In these combinations, 200 ml of spinach juice or 100 ml each of beet and cucumber juices should be mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice to prepare 500 ml or half a litre of combined juice.

Pneumonia treatment using Turpentine Oil:

The pain of pneumonia can be relieved by rubbing oil of turpentine over the rib cage and wrapping warmed cotton wool over it.


Benny Hill's Understudy
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Mar 11, 2009
Nasti Nati
Thanks for the remedies Moro! You left out the LFD double ligero remedy though..... :stretchgr


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
Get well soon. And also don't smoke any nice sticks a week after stopping the steriod. Steriods can and will throw off the tastes of cigars. So if I were you stick to yard gars, no use burning a 10 dollar stick to have it taste like crap.


Benny Hill's Understudy
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Mar 11, 2009
Nasti Nati
Get well soon. And also don't smoke any nice sticks a week after stopping the steriod. Steriods can and will throw off the tastes of cigars. So if I were you stick to yard gars, no use burning a 10 dollar stick to have it taste like crap.

So 1 week no smoking and 2 weeks smoking nothing good?! Damn this sucks.