I must have done the math wrong as I came up with $1196$289... F*cking hell...I need an excuse for meself.
You're shooting for 4 boxes of each? :guitar:I must have done the math wrong as I came up with $1196
I will take whatever I cann get but always aim highYou're shooting for 4 boxes of each? :guitar:
Happy hunting, Bro' !
I hate you. :tongueoutI will take whatever I cann get but always aim higheace:
damn you chicago guys like to BRAG!!!:tongueout:halfgrinwI've got my 2 dracs and 1 boris ready to ship on the 13th:stretchgr
From Who? I hope I didn't leave that retailer off the list.......I've got my 2 dracs and 1 boris ready to ship on the 13th:stretchgr
I hope you did! :rofl: There are places by me that can use a couple of boxes!From Who? I hope I didn't leave that retailer off the list.......
What PM?Tuesday can't come soon enough...
Pete, check your PMs!