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Quick & Easy Dinners


BoM Decembre '08
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Aug 12, 2008
Mexico City
May I suggest some capers and diced red chillis be added to the mix?
Well, I read quick and easy, so I went minimalistic. But over that one I prefer to add minced pepperoncino for a tad of flavour. Of course, in the end, ye can do whatever ye like.

Another easy and simple recipe:
2 flour tortillas with cheese and ham between them both. Warm on a pan until the cheese is grated. Add pico de gallo on top.
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Oct 12, 2009
The Beautiful Moutains of Western North Carolina
Asian stirfry...

>1lb of pre-cut (save some time) stew beef (or chicken)
>2 tsp of Olive oil
>Pepper (to taste)
>Salt (to taste)
>1 bag of asian stirfry veggies
>1 Hsang's Teriyaki sauce (if you can't find it any teriyaki will work).
>3 tsp of sesame oil
> 1/4 cup of saki
>some sesame seeds
>And a tsp of ginger.

Start off by rubbing the pepper/salt in the beef. Then add to a frying pan or wok, add some saki and cook over medium heat till done. In another small pan add the veggies,ginger, and olive oil. Cook the veggies until they're done (try to keep it at least a little crunchy). Combine the teriyaki and sesame oil in the beef mixture and pour in the veggies and cook for about five minutes over med heat. Remove from heat, serve with sesame seeds garnishing the top.