The article mentioned that what one drinks can affect the taste/aroma of the cigar. I would also add that the condition of the smoker's hands will also impact the experience. If one is taking a smoke break from working on the engine of the family car, the cigar is going to be impacted by the residual grease and oil, even if the hands are shop toweled off. If smoking while cleaning fish; don't be shocked if that stogie tastes like sturgeon.
I always try to wash my hands before a serious smoking experience and definitely before a review note-taking session. One time I used the liquid soap my wife uses in our bathroom. It is very feminine and contains a fragrance and an added hand lotion. Mistake! It totally ruined the cigar discernment. I washed and washed until that stuff was sufficiently diluted, which was difficult to achieve. I have found the best soap for a pre-smoke hand cleaning is non-fragranced dish washing soap and lots of water, since that kind of soap is designed to not leave any lingering aromas or tastes on one's dishes.
Environment also casts its shadow on your cigar's flavors, as well. If you are smoking while mowing the lawn; you will probably get a lot of "earth" and "grass" from that Tat. A neighbor barbequing steaks with the breeze coming your direction is likely to produce a terrible representation of what that Nub really tastes like. My dog loves to join me on my condo balcony, the place I normally smoke. One day, as I stepped outside for a smoke, my wife brought the dog home from being groomed at the pet shop, where they had applied some doggy perfume to her coat. As Lady sat next to me, I became aware that the perfume was so strong that I could not appreciate my cigar correctly. I had to ask Lady to go back in the house so I could enjoy my cigar without it being overpowered. I know that seems cruel, but a guy has to consider priorities, doesn't he?