I like the CRA idea. I also think that this will all settle down in a few weeks. I got 4 boxes of Franks last year. After my first box, I bought an additional 2 full boxes by calling shops on the list 2-3 days after release because people ordered them and did not pick them up or pay. I bought another box from a private party. I ended up gifting/trading more than 2 boxes of them.... some of the BOTL here, who migrated from cbid, can attest to that. That's the beauty of BOTL.....we share our wealth of cigars. I think everyone who wants a few will get a few.
The reality is that this is a highly sought after commodity. The retailers know that. They are also experiencing slumping sales and decreased revenues. A phenomenon like the Monster series is a cash cow for them. It's the American way. As a producer, Pete is stuck in the middle, trying to support the small business owner who distributes his product, while at the same time, keep his customers (fan base) happy by offering the product at a fair price, (that he can't really control, particularly in light of schip and the gray market). That is quite a dilemma. If there was a way to take care of everyone here first, I think a CRA type deal would be great. However.....
The aura of the Monster includes the hunt. Some will make the kill, some will miss. It's up to us to share.....both the experience as well as the kill, if we made it.