My wife is a very special person, happily supportive in all her husband's endeavors - as I have found are a majority of Brazilian women. Being that we were both non-smokers, she was intially amused that I was interested in Cuban cigars 5 years ago, then thrilled when I later wanted to comparatively explore the Brazilian puros as a mission. Seeing that mission as a sign that I was becoming more and more "Brasileiro," she willingly gifted me my first cutter and my first torch lighter.
As my smoking increased from a few cigars a week to one cigar a day, she did initiate a conversation about her concern that I might be moving toward addiction. She stated at that time, that superceding her concern for the smoking (she knows I don't inhale) was my propensity to have a scotch with my cigars. Her first husband, over a period of years, became alcoholic to the point of abuse and I could sense her fear that I might travel down the same road. So, to ease her fantastic, but obviously troubled heart, about four months ago I agreed to smoking only on weekends and varying the drink of choice when smoking. I have held to that pact.
It is a cheaper avocation this "weekend warrior" way. I also feel more in control of my actions. Plus the anticipation ("Which one first? Which to finish?") for that Saturday and Sunday smoke makes cigar smoking exciting and less routinely matter of fact.
Like others have stated in this thread, I try to pay attention to hygiene at some point after smoking, out of respect for those around me who may not like the lingering smell of cigars on a person's clothing, hands or breath.