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Healthcare-A must see

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Oct 16, 2009
Edwardsville, IL
Depends on whether you believe that health care is a right or a privilege. Personally I think that proper health care should be considered part of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Angry Bill

2x BoM, BoY '08
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Nov 6, 2007
San Fernando Valley, CA
Wow. Hendy, you are a lucky man to have a congressman like that! Well said and well presented! It is no the governments job to take care of all of my needs. Frankly, they haven't done a great job with medicare and social security!


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
Wow. Hendy, you are a lucky man to have a congressman like that! Well said and well presented! It is no the governments job to take care of all of my needs. Frankly, they haven't done a great job with medicare and social security!
I agree. It baffles me that people actually believe that the government will improve our health care system. This is the same bunch of selfish fools that brought us into this insane recession, bailed out a lousy car company at our expense, rewarded diabolical banks with billions of our money, can't run the current businesses they DO run: USPS, medicare, social security, etc., etc.

This isnt' a party issue to me, I think most politicians are full of it. Something does need to be done about healthcare, yes, but putting the governement in charge and having a public option is about the WORST possible way I can think of.

This is NOT rocket science, people!

1) Malpractice reform (HUGE issue)
2) Prudent use of medicare funds for those without insurance (HUGE issue--there are absolutely no regulations regarding this. People literally call an ambulance and lie about an emergency in order to get a ride to the doctor because that's "free" and then they don't have to hire a cab--just that once thing happens A LOT!)
3) Once #2 is achieved, increase medicare funding
4) Investigate putting a cap on annual profits of private insurance companies

Why would we need anything more than this?


BoM December 09
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Oct 7, 2009
Camdenton, Mo
If this national health care goes through I guarantee that my wife and I will both lose our jobs in health care. The public option will bring down reimbursement from the government to a point where clinics, hospitals, surgical centers, and ambulance services will not be able to continue to operate. So If and when that happens and I am living out of a box I would appreciate any and all bombs. And Michael and I have told you many times before, if the lazy people in the country got a freakin job we wouldnt have to worry about this. You need health care then go work for walmart, or mc donalds they are hiring and have benefit packages. This whole publick health care option is bull s#$t!!!

ok done with my rant

Angry Bill

2x BoM, BoY '08
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Nov 6, 2007
San Fernando Valley, CA
If this national health care goes through I guarantee that my wife and I will both lose our jobs in health care. The public option will bring down reimbursement from the government to a point where clinics, hospitals, surgical centers, and ambulance services will not be able to continue to operate. So If and when that happens and I am living out of a box I would appreciate any and all bombs. And Michael and I have told you many times before, if the lazy people in the country got a freakin job we wouldnt have to worry about this. You need health care then go work for walmart, or mc donalds they are hiring and have benefit packages. This whole publick health care option is bull s#$t!!!

ok done with my rant
The government isn't talking about that aspect either. More unemployment and loss of tax money for them.


BoM December 09
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Oct 7, 2009
Camdenton, Mo
Depends on whether you believe that health care is a right or a privilege. Personally I think that proper health care should be considered part of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
So one question when you get done with pharmacy school and start your own mom and pop pharmacy and I come in and have no money and you don't know me from Adam are you going to take a lose and give me the medications I need? Are you not going to worry about your over head and food on your table so I can get some meds? Just asking.

And for those who don't know we are good friends and banter about health care all of the time so no I am not picking on him nor am I flaming him.


BoM x 2, BoY 2011
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Sep 23, 2008
south of KCMO
Depends on whether you believe that health care is a right or a privilege. Personally I think that proper health care should be considered part of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
maybe it should be. and access to a proper job, and access to a good retirement, and, and, and. you get your life and your liberty and your pursuit of happiness. what and how you decide to do to further those givens is ALL ON YOU.... not the government.


BOM 2/09-Keeper BOTtLe
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May 8, 2008
Ft. Lauderdale Florida
I can see the overwealming opposition to the health bill, but I don't see it as totaly bad, not totaly great, but not totaly bad. I remember the lay offs my company did when our insurance costs rose over 60% a couple years back, the pay freeze before the recession because of it and the record profits of the insurance and drug industry that still continue. I agree with much of what is being said by the republicans, except they have no plan to fix the raising costs and with AARP, the AMA and other major groups saying this is our best option and no action is not an option, I'm incined to shut up if I can't come up with a better sugestion.

I hope something passes, and I hope the private industry gets so good nobody takes the public option at all. But to start I know many of my self employed and out of work friends will welcome any option.


Nov '08 BoM
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Jan 18, 2008
i have 2 things to say...

Can i vote for that guy?!?!?!

and my take on the whole thing is this...health care is a HUGE business, and the gov't just wants in on the action. it's a chance for them to make back a little bit of th emoney that the've already spent. they want a seat in the health care game.

plus, it's part of the power grab called socialism.

in the words of the great guy that i can't remember his name, i think it was Harvey somethingerruther...

"Wake up Amurica!!!"


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
I can see the overwealming opposition to the health bill, but I don't see it as totaly bad, not totaly great, but not totaly bad. I remember the lay offs my company did when our insurance costs rose over 60% a couple years back, the pay freeze before the recession because of it and the record profits of the insurance and drug industry that still continue. I agree with much of what is being said by the republicans, except they have no plan to fix the raising costs and with AARP, the AMA and other major groups saying this is our best option and no action is not an option, I'm incined to shut up if I can't come up with a better sugestion.

I hope something passes, and I hope the private industry gets so good nobody takes the public option at all. But to start I know many of my self employed and out of work friends will welcome any option.
I see your points, but again, a lot can be done without resorting to handing everything into the incapable hands of the government.

It seems that these days the bill's supporters tend to say "We have to do SOMETHING, so why not just to this," which is the most rediculous thing ever. Yes, something needs to be done, but how about we do the RIGHT thing, rather than makes things worse?

The wrong action can be a lot worse than inaction. Though again, there are plenty of actions that many/most agree on that we can just pass and get this thing started NOW:

1) Malpractice reform (HUGE issue)
2) Prudent use of medicare funds for those without insurance (HUGE issue--there are absolutely no regulations regarding this. People literally call an ambulance and lie about an emergency in order to get a ride to the doctor because that's "free" and then they don't have to hire a cab--just that once thing happens A LOT!)
3) Once #2 is achieved, increase medicare funding
4) Investigate putting a cap on annual profits of private insurance companies


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
i have 2 things to say...

Can i vote for that guy?!?!?!

and my take on the whole thing is this...health care is a HUGE business, and the gov't just wants in on the action. it's a chance for them to make back a little bit of th emoney that the've already spent. they want a seat in the health care game.

plus, it's part of the power grab called socialism.

in the words of the great guy that i can't remember his name, i think it was Harvey somethingerruther...

"Wake up Amurica!!!"

Just FYI, the government already owns GM and most of the banks now ... if they take over health care, the GOVERNMENT and not the people will own the majority of the US's GDP. Even if they did an awesome job (a laughable prospect) that is the worst situation possible. Talk about an ali-oop for totalitarianism!


Learning from the best
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Oct 7, 2009
Marietta, GA
America is slowly waking up.

Senior citizens are against health care controlled my the feds 2/1
Middle age citizens are against it 2/1
20 somethings are for it 2/1... but once they find out that they (we'll) be the cash cows they are against it 2/1.

It takes time to get the right facts to everyone which is why they were (are) trying to push this bill through so quick. MHO- the government has control over enough things... health care is not meant to be one of them.



Veteran Eccentric
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Jul 14, 2009
Salem, Or
it's not talked about too much, but can anyone imagine what is going to happen to medical innovation in this system???