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So what the deal with Tatuaje?

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Oct 22, 2009
So after being here a short while there is definitely one brand that is a favorite. I have looked a couple times locally for a tat but come up empty handed each time. Checked on line with about the same results. Seems like the special runs are almost impossible to grab as well. If so many here like them I just have to try a few :stretchgr

Whats a noob start out with and where the heck does he get one or five?


BoM June '09
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Dec 25, 2008
Dallas, Texas
So after being here a short while there is definitely one brand that is a favorite. I have looked a couple times locally for a tat but come up empty handed each time. Checked on line with about the same results. Seems like the special runs are almost impossible to grab as well. If so many here like them I just have to try a few :stretchgr

Whats a noob start out with and where the heck does he get one or five?
PM me your addy, and you will find out :)

BUT, you must review whatever I send you (with pics :)



Learning from the best
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Oct 7, 2009
Marietta, GA
Yea. I'm just learning about tats. Had my first havana victorias the other night... absolutely delicious. Looking at boxes now!


Learning from the best
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Oct 7, 2009
Marietta, GA
Man... I'd take that deal in a heartbeat Brooks! You're an awesome BOTL. I bet you got 10 pm's in 5 minutes.


Some random brother
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Aug 2, 2009
Don't listen to them - they are overpriced dog rockets :smokingme... move along there is nothing to see here. :tonguerol Go smoke something else, stay away from the tats. once again - they are no good :ccool:
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Oct 31, 2009
OK, I too am wondering what's up with all the "Tat" posts, which are so prevalent here that I had to laugh at the post titled "Non-Tat-related post."

About all I can safely assume is that Tatuaje's are considered really good cigars by many. So, at the risk of following the herd, or going along with bald-faced hype propounded from people I honestly don't know (for I have never heard of Tatuaje before), what the hey, I'll try some.

I also recognize the risk that they'll be so good that I'll be spoiled and regard everything else as inferior.

I've looked at New Havana's Tatuaje many sampler packs, and ask the Brotherhood to recommend which sampler to get. I tend to enjoy a cigar with a little more flavor than those considered "mild," if that helps with a recommendation.

Worst comes to worst, if I don't like them as much as some other cigar, I'm sure I can trade them here for just about anything else.

Thanks in advance for suggestions.


Learning from the best
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Oct 7, 2009
Marietta, GA
OK, I too am wondering what's up with all the "Tat" posts, which are so prevalent here that I had to laugh at the post titled "Non-Tat-related post."

About all I can safely assume is that Tatuaje's are considered really good cigars by many. So, at the risk of following the herd, or going along with bald-faced hype propounded from people I honestly don't know (for I have never heard of Tatuaje before), what the hey, I'll try some.

I also recognize the risk that they'll be so good that I'll be spoiled and regard everything else as inferior.

I've looked at New Havana's Tatuaje many sampler packs, and ask the Brotherhood to recommend which sampler to get. I tend to enjoy a cigar with a little more flavor than those considered "mild," if that helps with a recommendation.

Worst comes to worst, if I don't like them as much as some other cigar, I'm sure I can trade them here for just about anything else.

Thanks in advance for suggestions.
Can't tell you too much because I've only had a couple tats... but this place will treat you right. New Havana Cigars

Electric Sheep

Dsicle - BoM Dec 06
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Aug 1, 2006
Dallas, TX
I'll tell ya what the deal with Tatuaje is....or at least what MY personal viewpoint on it is.

Everytime I walked into a b&m 4 or 5 years ago, what I'd find were a lot of Dominican and Honduran cigars that were blended with mass-market tastes in mind. Sure there were some quality Nicaraguan cigars out there (Padron for example) and some nice stuff coming from Fuente (Opus for example), but the majority of sticks at the time were dominated by a lot of well blended but not particularly exciting or dynamic tasting cigars. I would walk through a shop and know that 95% of the stock would disappoint my tastebuds.

Tatuaje led the charge in bringing small production boutique cigars to the market, dynamically blended cigars that were EXCITING to my tastebuds....much like CCs, although obviously with a different flavor profile, but similar in the thought process in the way that they were blended. It's noticeable in just about everything that Don Pepin manufacturers, but it's particularly evident in the cigars Pete had Pepin make for him. Obviously Pepin is a huge part of what Tatuaje does, but Pete's own personal taste (I believe) push what Pepin creates to the maximum, falling right in line with what cigar enthusiasts wanted and happened to be exactly what the market was lacking at the time.

Basically, I think that unlike most of the big companies in the cigar industry, Pete was just a regular cigar nut like us who was really in tune with what cigar nuts wanted. He wasn't trying to make cigars for the masses to be sold in multi-million quantities, he was trying to make stuff for people like us--and like him.

On top of that, by Pete joining in and chatting (and sometimes fighting) on forums like this one, Tatuaje as a company had a lot of "transparency", meaning we could see for ourselves what the brand was all about. The hardcore cigar guys could TELL that Pete was "one of us" and wanted the same things out of cigars that we did. I don't think anyone else out there was really doing that at the time.

Then you gotta factor in the packaging, appearance, and marketing of the product. Most cigars on the b&m shelves were cello wrapped and packed in display boxes...but the hardcore cigar nuts were buying CCs in cabs and dress boxes, and never in cello. I mean come on, the packaging was JUST LIKE the CCs we were buying. Slide lid cab boxes, tied in a yellow ribbon like a wheel, no cello, with a sealed Tax label and a box code. A box code on NCs! It was genius packaging and marketing, and it caught a lot of us hook-line-sinker.

Lotsa cigar companies--even the big guys--are doing that sort of stuff NOW, but at the time it was revolutionary. He basically catered to the desires of the hardcore cigar enthusiast in a way (flavor, packaging, marketing, transparency) that no one else was doing at the time.

Big ups to Pete Johnson for turning the U.S. cigar market on it's ear. I for one am glad that somebody did it. He got me--and a lot of other folks, obviously--buying NC cigars again.
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Jul 13, 2008
Sunnyvale, CA
Well said, ElectricSheep...

Although Pete's now known as a marketing whiz, the stoges seem unassuming with their humble SLB and bands.

I stumbled on these when they came out. The Tat Noella and Havana Cazadores blew me away. Along with Illusione, these new boutique brands rocked my world.

My taste had evolved from NCs to CCs over the years back to NCs.

Electric Sheep

Dsicle - BoM Dec 06
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Aug 1, 2006
Dallas, TX
I stumbled on these when they came out. The Tat Noella and Havana Cazadores blew me away. Along with Illusione, these new boutique brands rocked my world.

My taste had evolved from NCs to CCs over the years back to NCs.
Yep, exactly the same thing with me.

I walked into my b&m at the time (Up In Smoke in Dallas) in 2006, before I was on BOTL in fact, and they had this new cigar line called "Tatuaje" that no one could pronounce. I saw the boxes (unopened in fact, I got to open one myself) and thought, "damn these look JUST LIKE the friggin' CCs I buy, and hey there's a box code!"

It literally took ONE CIGAR to convince me that they were the real deal.
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Jul 13, 2008
Sunnyvale, CA
I should add that these also got me into into the smaller (for me) ring gauges than what I usually smoked. I really started appreciating the flavors from the 42-46 RGs.