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Sep 11, 2009
Augusta Maine
This is one service I for one am completly in the dark on it makes absolutly no sense to me. Its like instant messaging that takes longer and the whole world can see it? :scratchhe I think I missed the boat on the whole social networking thing call me old fashiond (just turned 30) but I just like to pick up my phone.
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Feb 2, 2009
Naples, Florida
I use it a good amount. I prefer it over any of the other social networking stuff. For me the rewarding part has been connecting with a lot of the cigar manufacturers. Pete, Dion, Ernesto Padilla are probably the most active and its nice that if I have a question about their cigars I can usually get an answer back pretty quickly.
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Jan 11, 2005
I use it regularly. My business is across the street from a university. Those kids are wired up 24/7. I use it to run promos and link it to my website. I use as another link in my advertising message. It enables me to run specials quickly, or tell people the soup of the day etc. I use it to reach the under 30 crowd. They don't read newspapers, listen to the radio, or look for direct mail coupons. Which were the primary weapons in my advertising arsenal. I guess still are, because there is a segment of society that does read the paper, listen to local radio, and clip coupons. And there money is just as green as the under 30's. And they have more of it.
I mainly "follow" local folks who can impact my business, or have something worth saying..

Most of the stuff on there is just narcissistic bullshit.
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Feb 19, 2007
Johnsburg, IL
I use it regularly. My business is across the street from a university. Those kids are wired up 24/7. I use it to run promos and link it to my website. I use as another link in my advertising message. It enables me to run specials quickly, or tell people the soup of the day etc. I use it to reach the under 30 crowd. They don't read newspapers, listen to the radio, or look for direct mail coupons. Which were the primary weapons in my advertising arsenal. I guess still are, because there is a segment of society that does read the paper, listen to local radio, and clip coupons. And there money is just as green as the under 30's. And they have more of it.
I mainly "follow" local folks who can impact my business, or have something worth saying..

Most of the stuff on there is just narcissistic bullshit.

I need to talk to you as I do have one @turtleislandinc I am so flippin' retarded with it! I have the hardest time to get followers and wouldn't know where to start with running promos if I don't have any damn followers. What the hell is all this #FF or #cigars etc.... If you're in the know give me a hint?
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Feb 2, 2009
Naples, Florida
the "#" is a hashtag used to indicate a topic grouping. #FF stands for follow friday. Follow friday allows users to share who they are following and who they think is worth following with the people that follow them. (did you get that there is a lot of follow there.) #cigars is just a tag to track discussions on cigars. see this article for more on hashtags.
