It really doesn't matter whether or not YOU think a posted sign is fair, dude! If it says 35, and you are going 36 or more, you are violating the law...Stop crying, and obey the speed limit. If you do, then you have absoloutely NOTHING to worry about! No worries of "the man holding you down" or "the camera is there to steal my money"...Nada.Let me put it simply: You're subconsciously motivated to drive a certain speed on a certain road and whether or not there is a sign there generally makes little to no difference. Most people naturally make the same judgement and drive around this speed. This is averaged out and the speed limit is set at whatever the 85th percentile of everyone is.
The speed limits are unrealistically low in some places and just because it's "the law" doesn't mean it's rational or fair. They're setting up people to be ticketed and if you don't believe that then tell me the rationale behind it. Many studies have shown that lower speed limits and slower drivers cause more accidents than the average speed (85th percentile.) It's not for safety and I have a hard time swallowing "it's the law" as an excuse when it's not making anyone safer. Edit: Especially when folks are making money off of this hand over fist.
They're about as fair as a down hill speed trap.
Be responsible, obey the limits...If caught, pay up like you should.