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Girlfriends of best friends...

Psojka RP,601

This place IS my vacation
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Feb 11, 2010
Plainfield, IN
OK, i know that this is going to sound really, really, really stupid. However, i need to vent...i know that my botl brothers will listen :)

alright, so my best friend of my entire life, never separated by anything, never fought, never let anything change us, did everything together...has a new girlfriend. And, for lack of a better term, she is a huge...(sorry for the language)...bitch. One of the meanest people i have ever had to meet. She's not even remotely nice to me. She is very cool to all of our other friends, just not me. Im his best friend, so im not sure why she hates me; she makes it very clear that she does.... :cursing: :bangbang: everyone thinks that she is the nicest thing to ever walk the freaking planet and that is not true! she is so immature. :rifleaim::dunno:

Anyways, now she is starting to turn him away from me! :angerFU:

Making him spend every spare minute he has with her. Again, i understand that this is stupid, but its pushing me over the edge. She tells him how stupid and lame i am (i hear it from our other so called "friends") and its pissing me off. Now he wont even talk face to face with me. He just pretends im not there...when i ask, "Why are you ignoring me? im clearly talking to you..." he just says, "quit freaking out."

Now, im not a mean person...im not very loud-spoken, and i just let most things go. But am i stupid for letting this get to me?? Do i really need to quit freaking out?

Has anyone had anything like this happen to them??? Thanks for taking time out of your day to read this...again, i know its stupid...but, thanks. :tiphat::waving:
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Dec 19, 2009
"Live Free Or Die" state (Exeter, NH)
Its because you are a threat to her. And he is an adult so you cant force him to see the error of his ways. it sucks but thats the way it is.Sorry if he wont listen just hang on and hopefully one day he will come around.
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Aug 20, 2009
Sacramento, CA
I wouldn't worry about it, it doesn't sound like it's going to last all that long. I'd quit freaking out and just let it run its course. Part of being the "best friend" is getting used to being ignored when a chick comes around...it usually lightens up after a few months though, once the honeymoon phase is over.


Not the mad fladder!
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Sep 1, 2009
Marana Az
She is probably turning on you because you are the best friend. She probably feels threatened that you are the one person that could cut into her time with her boy toy.

Really sounds like your boy is whipped and you should probably just spend some time away until he snaps out of his funk. Women can make men do some crazy stuff (sorry sisters of the leaf...no offense)


I hate E and Chef
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Feb 18, 2010
Same thing happened to me. Finally, after a year or so I decided to stop letting her get to me and I went to her as a grown up and said "we've had our differences but I am willing to start fresh and accept you as my best friend's girl."

She broke up with him that night.
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Jan 11, 2010
I have two sister-in-laws who are the worst.You just have to deal with it and try not to let her get between you.Hopefully he will figure out she's a bitch, but its tough telling your friend his girl is a bitch it probaly won't help


Watcher of the Sky
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Mar 12, 2009
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZcWi6wEbG0"]YouTube- Kick her in the Cunt[/ame]


Craft Beer Addict!
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Oct 14, 2008
Maybe, just maybe she is looking at you too....maybe a manaja twa?

As long as she doesn't convinence him that you are part of the problem and not the solution!
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Oct 31, 2009
Double tap to the back of the head.....

okay...just kidding. The best advice is to let it run its course.


BoM Nov '10
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Dec 30, 2009
Joplin, MO
Double tap to the back of the head.....
Its "Two to the chest one to the head" Zombie hunter style!!:gangfire:
:disappoin, guns aren't very creative. I prefer an ice pick to the kidney, but hey that's me.

Or you can just let it go. Come to think of it, this will probably result in less jail time.

Seriously though, sometimes as guys we do stupid things in the name of...well to put it bluntly...getting some. I know I have done it and hindsight being what it is I deserved a smack upside the head. Who's gonna give that to you if not your best friend? Maybe it's not the best advice for your situation, but perhaps you should sit your friend down (that's providing you can of course get some time to do that) and point blank ask him if he knows what the hell he's doing. Just my 0.02.



ever see a squirrel smoke
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Oct 24, 2009
southeastern indiana
Like everyone else is saying here let it run its course until there is talk of or is an engagement then you tell him whats up. If he doesnt listen just wait and say I tryed to tell you when he comes to his senses. He will then thank you. I have seen this happen twice personally.
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Nov 30, 2008
Charleston, SC
i know exactly what your goin through. she sees you as a threat to her having time with him. one of my best freind's ex did the same thing. just very gently tell him what she is doin, and let him think about it. it will mill around in his head and eventually realize what a bitch she is.... and then you get to play the " i told you she was crazy" card!!!!


BoM March 08
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Jul 25, 2007
The OC
Plan a good guys night out with some buddies. No strip clubs or bars, but a something non-threatening to the average girlfriend….It sounds like she will make him decline the invite. So you still go out with the other guys and then come back with a camera full of fun pictures, and some good stories…etc. He will begin wondering why he had to miss a benign night of fun with the guys. This could be the beginning of the end. Planting seeds is all you can do because he is thinking with his dick and not with his brain. It can be difficult for a man under the influence of Pu**y to think clearly. If she says yes, then go have a good night with your bro.


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Aug 5, 2009
Hattiesburg, MS
Lots of good advice here, bro. Personally, I'd avoid prison if at all possible, so I'd probably pass on the shooting her in the face deal, as appealing as it may sound.

In all sincerity though, he may or may not come around while they're together. They'll eventually break up and he'll realize what a huge mistake he made. You, being his best friend, will understand that his judgement was swayed and he didn't mean it personally. He may or may not do it again, but if he does, you'll know what to expect and will be prepared to be the best friend again. It's all about forgiveness, brother!
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Jan 7, 2010
If you've already told him how you feel you've done everything you can. Anything more at this point will only cause more strain on the friendship. Treat her friendly, and try to treat your friend the same way you always have.

The goal here is for her to be causing all the tension, and drama, not you. If you keep a cool head and remain chill, and she keeps up with the crap he will see through it before long. However if you push the issue, and force confrontation repeatedly it will only justify the negative things she is saying about you.
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Sep 29, 2009
New York
Dude - Warning! Danger!

You are competing for your bro's time with his girl. You can't win this one outright, you know how guys are wired. You need to fall back to a "giving your bro some space" posture. From there you're looking at either waiting it out if it's a short term thing or redefining your relationship with your buddy if it goes the distance.

Whatever you do, do not seek to escalate conflict with the girl. You can't win, and if you establish yourself as her enemy you're SOL if they get married. Keep the peace, keep your options open.

More Sun Tzu, less Ice Cube.
