Yes I went to Ometepe Island 2 weeks ago... when our BOTL group went to the airport from Esteli, I continued on to the island and am very glad I did. There were volcano evacuation warnings just days prior to my visit and I considered canceling that portion of the trip but my hotel owner said it was no big deal so I went.
I rented a motorcycle to cruise the island and on my way back, I noticed some tobacco drying in a small shed right off the main road. I was very surprised to see this and would've turned around to check it out but I needed to get back to town to catch the ferry back. When I got to town, a small store was selling Ometepe Island cigars for $.25 so I bought a few to send to some BOTLs and to smoke one. After sitting in my backpack in a plastic baggie for a couple hours, the smell was so horrible I had to throw them out... frickin' nasty I tell ya!
I wish I would've known about that CA article before I went as I would've made a point to investigate further! Does anyone have that edition so I could read the entire article?
Ferry to Ometepe Island
On the Ferry
Dinner, fresh out of the lake
Awesome motorcycle ride cruising the entire island!
The Coffee Plantation, Finca Magdalena
Sulfur leaking out of the volcano
Not too settling seeing all the evacuation signs, especially as they point the opposite way of the ferry!?! LOL
Ometepe Cigars box
Nasty ass cigars!?!