BoM Nov '10
Federal Government :rolling: and on that same note politicians. They really piss me off.People who talk really big about they are going to do something then don't do it. I can list examples.
Federal Government :rolling: and on that same note politicians. They really piss me off.People who talk really big about they are going to do something then don't do it. I can list examples.
I bet you can.:stretchgrPeople who talk really big about they are going to do something then don't do it. I can list examples.
Someone would be bleeding from 4 little holes where the fork went in.I hate when people pick on your lunch with their damn-dirty fingers. And without asking your permission until they've touched your food.
Some people should be exiled to a deserted island.Phillies Fans who make themselves projectile vomit on an 11 year old child....no really.
........+1drivers who don't know the long skinny pedal on the right is your gas pedal.
Phillies Fans who make themselves projectile vomit on an 11 year old child....no really.
This guy shuold have looked a lot worse for wear after that.Some people should be exiled to a deserted island.
Stop signs on onramps? WTF is up with that? Makes no sense.You must have never been to Danvers where there are stop signs on onramps.
You've said it.people who are die-hard (insert political or religious view here) but are ignorant as to what that actually entails. i.e. not familiar with policies, etc. An example: my sister-in-law is a die-hard democrat but will not partake in political convo's, primarily because she's ignorant about it. I'm totally cool with people who aren't into politics, but don't talk about how you are die-hard whatever if you aren't into it.
poor grammar
stupid drivers
irritating in-laws
poor grammar
parasites to society
big gov't
poor grammar
people who complain about who's in office but didn't vote
who's currently in office
people who refuse to discipline their kids and complain about their behavior
people who spoil their kids and think that they don't
poor grammar
people who want to carry on a conversation via text message
people who believe/forward chain emails about people or organization before checking out its validity
I think this about sums it up for now...
you are the only one that got that. Wow.I bet you can.:stretchgr
Passing lane, not passing time lane!Left Lane Bandits. The left lane is not your property. It's for passing.
My buddy was in that section. The dude spat on the father (a cop) and ran his mouth the whole game. He didn't throw up until the father put him in a headlock and punch him a few times. So as bad as it is...he did not put his fingers down his throat and throw up on the girls.Phillies Fans who make themselves projectile vomit on an 11 year old child....no really.
Anything planned for this WKND JJ?People who talk really big about they are going to do something then don't do it. I can list examples.
I've got the thee "poster" so that you can give her, well, maybe it's not all about apostrophes but there's some of it in it. I'm seriously considering on giving it to my sister too. She is baaaaaaaaaad, really bad.Apostrophe abuse. The HR person in my office consistently sends out emails in which every pluralized word is made possessive. Drives me nuts, and I can't believe no one has ever had a chat with her about it.
Left Lane Bandits. The left lane is not your property. It's for passing.
Greedy people.
Oh I got it, but for the sake of diplomacy decided to leave it alone!you are the only one that got that. Wow.