I would like to continue my rant due to the fact that work sucks, after an exhausting morning and mid afternoon I feel as though I must vent some more...
TaPOuT shirts, and people who wear them (I guess affliction would be covered by this too) If you haven't step in a ring don't wear it? do you think because you have this shirt people don't want to beat you up still? Nope doesn't work.
Poker is not a sport, neither is chess or spelling-bees. Get it off ESPN.
Nickleback, my wife loves this garbage. it makes me sick to my stomach.
Facebook, I have an account to talk to people that I dont have the chance to in real life like my friends in the military or who have moved away, I dont care that you have "Got home from work, made dinner, put kids to sleep" NO ONE CARES not even people who really care about you care about that. stop pretending you are so important that everyone of your friends must know you daily activity's on a daily basis, much less that they are the same activity's every single day.
Since I have complained much more than I typically do I'd like to state some positive things.
The smell of fresh cut grass, and dew on the golf course first thing in the morning.
A good scotch, a good cigar and sitting out side at night all by myself just doing nothing. :cbig: