BoM Nov '10
Returned from Vegas earlier today :disappoin. Kinda wish I could have stayed a little longer, but back to work tomorrow. Had a fantastic time lounging around the pool with the family and mostly doing nothing. Turns out the kid is the next Michael Phelps! I made it out to Casa Fuente for a while one day, took me freakin' forever to find it...turns out I was looking in the wrong damn casino :rolling:. Fell in love with their mojitos :drool: and the waitress wasn't bad on the eyes either :halfgrinw. I don't think I've ever taken so long to finally make a selection in a humidor with so little :drool: :grin:. Also went and visited the Pawn Stars store (from the show on TV) and I gotta say wow, I did not realize how incredibly small that store was...I mean it's freaking tiny! Also went to Exotic Pets which was awesome, but then you've seen my collection of snakes
(if you haven't, check out my pics). My wife really liked the store too, although she was a little freaked out by the Reticulated Python that was staring her down. She even bough a snake of her very own :applause:. I also spent a few days playing in the National Open chess tournament, which was really cool. Overall a great vacation. Hope to be able to do it again next year! Oh yeah, I would have some pics (a few specifically for Frank and Bob :halfgrinw), but seem to have left the camera in Vegas...:disappoin...will post when I find it.