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holycrap. don't get old in oklahoma!


BoM March 08
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Jul 25, 2007
The OC
How much more could there be? She was 86 and in bed, on oxygen. even if she made threatening advances, the cops could have back out of the room and closed the door. They could have just held her down calmly. How fast could she have possibly been moving in her new agressive stance. I can see handcuffing a 15 year old boy who might become a threat, but treat the granny with kindness and care. With a little bit of concern for the people they promised to Protect and Serve, this would have ended in a routine trip to the Dr to see what med she needed to take. Granny will be able to send her grandkid to college as well as buy thim a house to live in.
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Apr 7, 2007
Overland Park, KS
I've seen several elderly patients that could easily have needed a taser to subdue - just because one is older doesn't mean they're a threat.

I can't see standing on oxygen tubing to the point of oxygen deprivation. This sounds a little outlandish. There had to have been something about the aggressive posturing - like reaching for a cane - or a gun.

I've just seen it too many times where one story presented is just a bit too one-sided. When the other side of the story is presented, things often make a little more sense.

I'm guessing the truth lies somewhere in the middle - as it often does!


Fire me up a
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Dec 30, 2009
New England
Seems like there's more to the story there...
i agree.

"Lonnie Tinsley told them, 'Don't taze my Granny!' to which they responded that they would Taser him; instead, they pulled him out of her apartment, took him down to the floor, handcuffed him and placed him in the back of a police car. "

I mean come on, that sounds ridiculous.


BoM May '11
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Feb 24, 2010
Dutton, Ontario, Canada
I'm guessing the truth lies somewhere in the middle - as it often does!
Knowing things as I do from the policing side - this is completely true. So many times I'll read a news story after having been involved in something and think hmm, that's not at all how it went down...


Watcher of the Sky
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Mar 12, 2009
There has to be more to this story. It's completely one sided, where's the response by PD. I've searched but can't even find one thread of a story to corroborate his claim that this ever happened. I mean if something like this really happened the way the guy states it did wouldn't it have made the news way before a lawsuit was filed? Shit, there aren't even any dates in the article, what kind of journalism is that? I have a feeling a whole lot more will come out in the wash before this case is through.


CRA Member #206760
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Nov 24, 2009
Knowing things as I do from the policing side - this is completely true. So many times I'll read a news story after having been involved in something and think hmm, that's not at all how it went down...
Same here Bro - The facts and just the facts don't sell newspapers or garner much online attention. Back when I answered calls, I went to several nursing homes where old farts and old fartesses were too much for the staff and orderlies to handle.

And yes - there has to be more to the story.

Doctor Zhivago

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May 26, 2010
Orange County
maybe it was the rambo granny and she was reaching for her hunting knife secretly placed behind her headboard......hmmmm what else could it have been?.......Was she black?
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Dec 10, 2004
Weatherford, OK
Here is the story as reported on NewsOK which is the online part of The Oklahoman, the biggest newspaper in Oklahoma located in OKC. El Reno is just on the west side of OKC. There is a bit more info in this story as to exactly how things took place.

Here is a copy of the civil suit she has filed seeking damages!

Personally I wouldn't hesitate for a second to believe a story like this as far as something like this happening in Oklahoma or any other place around the country. Seems like more and more these days there is an abundance of law enforcement officers out there that are completely over zealous when it comes to doing things like this!