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Jun 24, 2009
Joplin MO
Looks kinda like a collared lizard?

Where's DAN???

I would guess you'll need a terrarium setup with heat lamp, warming rock, etc... Probably eats crickets?

Oh, DANNNNN.....!!!!


BoM March 08
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Jul 25, 2007
The OC
search lizards in your region and find images so you can determine the species and then look up the care of said species. My guess is that it need warmth, I.E. sun in the day ground warmth at night, and eats crickets. So a small aquarium, heat lamp, so kind of log or fake log structure for shelter, some branches to climb, a bowl of water and some crickets.
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Mar 27, 2010
Spring Valley, AZ
I looked it up it was a Plateau Fence Lizard I believe. But I have a crying granddaughter now the lizard reached freedom. We have millions of them in our yard. Just not that small though he looks like he just left the clutch.


BoM Nov '10
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Dec 30, 2009
Joplin, MO
Where's DAN???
Dan was eating the most delicious burger concoction at Instant Karma...two all beef patties, gooey/crispy cheese, and instead of a bun they put it on a glazed donut :drool:. I think I had a minor heart attack just eating it :grin: Anyway, yes the lizard...

From the pics it looks like a Fence Lizard, taking geographic location into account I would say a Western Fence Lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis). Quick little critters. I have only seen one in my neck of the woods (though it was the Eastern species) and it was probably about 15 years ago! Looks to be a juvenile from the pics. Not too difficult to take care of (for future reference since this one got away). For one that size probably a 10-20 gallon tank with a screen lid would do. Put a couple layers of newspaper (you could use sand or dirt from your yard also, but with this there is always the risk of impaction if they ingest it) and some rocks to bask on. Shallow water bowl. Since it's a lizard that is active during the day a light source with UV in it would be appropriate, though if it were going to be a short term captive you could do without it. As for food, any of your local pet shops should sell crickets, meal worms and/or roaches. Just make sure they are appropriately sized (about as big as the space between the lizard's eyes is the rule of thumb) or you can always go hunting around the yard for insects. If you were going to be keeping the lizard for a prolonged period of time it would be a good idea to dust the crickets with a calcium supplement. Sounds like your granddaughter has an interest in scaly critters...careful before you know it she'll have a whole room dedicated to them :grin:.

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Jul 17, 2010
Dan was eating the most delicious burger concoction at Instant Karma...two all beef patties, gooey/crispy cheese, and instead of a bun they put it on a glazed donut :drool:. I think I had a minor heart attack just eating it :grin:

What lizard........That sounds very good right about now!
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Jun 24, 2009
Joplin MO
I feel like an idiot... later, after I said "collared lizard", I thought about it... and I was going to say looked kinda like our fence lizards. I don't know why I said collared. Shame shame... so much for that semester of herpetology!!

Dan... I thought they only had hot dogs down there? They have more? I heard some bad stuff about it. They're open later, now? Used to be just lunch during the week, when they first opened...