I'm outside A LOT. I fish (fresh and saltwater), duck hunt, turkey hunt, deer hunt, elk hunt, dove hunt, coyote hunt, rabbit hunt, squirrel hunt and take a ton of wildlife photos. On average I'm on the water or in the field about 150 - 175 (200+ if you include photo outings) days a year. Some years more. My big passion is duck hunting and of a 60 day regular season I hunt around 45 - 50 days. I'm very close to killing all 32 huntable species of ducks in North America. This January I will be back in Alaska chasing what is by far the most difficult of the 32 to kill and if I'm successful I'll be down to only 2 birds. Most every year I take a trip somewhere somewhat exotic duck hunting and in most average years will hunt at least 4 states. This year I will also be deer hunting in the infamous Pike County, IL on private property, 24,500 acres, that has never been deer hunted. The great quest, as a friend puts it, fires back up officially this Wednesday as our dove season opens up. It is traditionally the first thing to really get me fired up for the marathon of seasons that will have me very occupied until February when everything is closed and I try to catch up on sleep.