Decided to give the Lot 23 a shot and see how they were. I remember having them before and being pretty decent. That was the connecticut.
Now with the maduro.. I guess I'm not blown away or really impressed with it. Seems to me like a pretty mediocre smoke, sort of a chocolate taste in the beginning that continued through the middle, maybe a slight pepper flavor, but in the end I just wasn't all that impressed.
Kinda disappointed in this one.
Anyone else share the same feelings, or even different feelings?
Now with the maduro.. I guess I'm not blown away or really impressed with it. Seems to me like a pretty mediocre smoke, sort of a chocolate taste in the beginning that continued through the middle, maybe a slight pepper flavor, but in the end I just wasn't all that impressed.
Kinda disappointed in this one.
Anyone else share the same feelings, or even different feelings?