Well I am not sure what all the fuss is about. I look at the limited edition stuff as if they are baseball cards. Fun to hunt and great to find. I enjoy both parts. I really do not care who makes it. If i am intrested then i try to find it. can it be fustrating when i can not find a stick that i really want to try, yes, but that is part of the hunt also.
Now am i a tat whore? Well i can say is that I am purchasing more and more of them. I will purchase all the red tubos that I find, I have a lot of fun with the monster series, still need to find a frank and a frank box, boris not bad, really like the drac, looking forward to getting a box of the Face. I think that Pete is really on to something with the new La Vertia line. Yes i jump for joy when i was interdused to the the La Raquesa line( cant beat the petite robusto)
I guess let the blenders, blend. Some of us will go to great links to find what the produce, others will be happy that they are not in the middle of the fight.
So go smoke what you like, drink what you like and join the hunt if you like. the point is to have a good time.