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About to really piss off my school registrar

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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
So as many of you know I'm a college student. I recently transferred schools leaving a medical training program behind to pursue a biotechnology degree with a concentration in food science. This school is very new so I expected a few hiccups using the VA benefits I have.

The issues started with orientation. I had shit to do on the day the surprise orientation date. Supposedly the registrar would have had my schedule worked out at orientation had I attended. Instead she was still not done working on my credit transfer evaluation. The issue with my transfer eval was a leadership/management class that could have transferred from the Community College of the Airforce. Well the initial story I got from her was how helpful the military was being repeatedly checking to see if she got the info she was seeking. Then when I kept calling and emailing her for a schedule the story changed. "They never answered the phone" and so forth I was told. Weird considering how helpful they were being a few weeks before. So I ended up not getting the transfer credit due to what I suspect is her laziness.

Then on Aug 24th I contacted this registrar to see if she had submitted my VA enrollment form. "Not yet but it will be today or tomorrow that I get it done" she tells me. Fast forward to today. I called the VA to check on whether my form was ever submitted. It has not happened. So I call and she tells me "the billing office sent me something about vocational rehab so I never submitted anything". Now mind you I sat in front of her and specifically told her that I am using Chapter 33 (code for benefits that is certainly not vocational rehab) at least four times and watched her write it down. So instead of asking me about the discrepancy she did absolutely nothing.

Now I'm in the process of getting set up to do a VA Work Study. Where I, as a student, perform various duties for the VA and other veteran students. I get paid by the VA tax free and hopefully by doing this I will be able to circumvent the inept registrar at the school. If I cannot circumvent I will at least have system access to keep up on her and make sure she does her job, for which I'm sure she's very overpaid.

She's screwing with the wrong person. I'm a devious asshole that will find ways to make coworkers and supervisors aware of her inadequacy. If this isn't taken care of today her boss is going to be contacted.:cursing:
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Feb 19, 2010
Bamberg Germany, via WA/CA
My man, I think you and I would get along just fine. I like the way you think. I have an all too short temper when it comes to any kind of buracracy which has not been easy in the Army and has gotten my ass smoked numerous times, but in the end, I get what is rightfuly owed to me. Stick to your guns and I hope you get what you deserve for what you did for our country. Fight the power!
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
Monday morning the school registrar will get an email from me. I was screwed too many times while in the airforce and especially so when I was separating. I have a fairly low tolerance for this type of incompetence. Especially so when it comes to me getting PAID. Last person that stood between me and money almost had a federal congressman on their ass.
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
I was smoking when I wrote my draft email up for monday. It's simply saved in my mail box at the moment. I want it to be fresh on monday so it doesn't get buried over the weekend.
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Jan 24, 2010
Fort Riley, KS
Dude, I really hope you get this all straightened out. As I've told just about everybody that has ever worked for me, e-mails are fine and dandy, but when I really need something fixed, I pick up the phone or go for a "personal visit", aka standing on someone's desk. E-mails are a whole lot easier to ignore than a telephone call, or worse, me sitting across your desk from you, shooting laser beams and asking "why"? It's pretty clear at this point that you're going to need to speak with her boss. Just remember the first rule of pissing contests: If you're going to start a pissing match, have the common decency to be right, and be able to prove it. Good luck, and thanks for serving!
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
All taken care of as of 4:30 pm. I emailed the registrar's boss the provost at the school at around 2pm. He VERY promptly replied back, I'm talking like two minutes, and told me he'd look into the issue. Then when I got home from class I had an email from the VA confirming my enrollment information was sent. It's amazing it took a fire like that to get her to do her job.


Watcher of the Sky
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Mar 12, 2009
All taken care of as of 4:30 pm. I emailed the registrar's boss the provost at the school at around 2pm. He VERY promptly replied back, I'm talking like two minutes, and told me he'd look into the issue. Then when I got home from class I had an email from the VA confirming my enrollment information was sent. It's amazing it took a fire like that to get her to do her job.
Very cool, good luck with your studies bro.


BoM Nov '10
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Dec 30, 2009
Joplin, MO
Funny how quickly something can get done when you go up the ladder a rung :laugh:. Glad everything worked out...oh and welcome to college life :thumbsup:.

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Feb 7, 2009
Midland, VA
Uh-rah. Way to go Air Force. Sounds like my son when he got out of the Air Force a few years ago and went back to school. He went through about the same thing.
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
Funny how quickly something can get done when you go up the ladder a rung :laugh:. Glad everything worked out...oh and welcome to college life :thumbsup:.

I've been college life since Spring '09. I just transferred from a community college to a private university. So it's costing the VA $9800 a semester instead of $1200 haha.