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Jailbreaking iPhones


Craft Beer Addict!
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Oct 14, 2008
I received this email from Trend Micro (my interent security program) and even though I don't own an iPhone I know many of my brothers do....

The Dark Side of Jailbreaking iPhones

"Jailbreaking" might sound like a heroic adventure—and if you're talking about "Escape from Alcatraz," you might be right. But in the real world, you're more likely to encounter the term in relation to the newfound ability of iPhone 4 owners to unlock their devices so that they can download applications from sources other than Apple's app store. Be warned: the freedom you enjoy through jailbreaking can be short-lived, and it could result in serious damage to your device.

Jailbreaking basically works the same way malware does—by exploiting security vulnerabilities in order to download something onto your device. In the case of a jailbroken iPhone, you might not be downloading anything more harmful than a non-Apple approved application. But you're essentially leaving the door open to any other application that wants to come through.

To date, we haven't heard about malicious exploits finding their way onto jailbroken Apple devices. Nonetheless, Apple has released security updates to address the vulnerabilities used for the jailbreak, and you'd do well to install them on any devices running the affected OS. You can also use Trend Micro's Smart Surfing for iPhone application, which protects against malicious websites by preventing the user from accessing them.

Find out more about the iPhone jailbreak.


Cigars, hockey, and beer.
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Aug 18, 2010
There are great ways to protect yourself with a jailbroken iPhone though and the good for jailbreaking outweighs the bad by a longshot IMO.

1. Turn of SSH if you aren't using it. This will stop anyone from wirelessly accessing your device.
2. Change the Mobile User and Root User passwords on your iPhone using Mobile Terminal. This is an extra layer of protection, you forget to turn SSH off and someone tries to make any changes to your device they're blocked by your hopefully strong password.

I haven't heard about any applications in the Cydia app store causing any malicious harm to an iPhone. My previous 3G was jailbroken and my current 4th gen is jailbroken.

The extra access to new and different applications, themes, tweaks, ease of use modifications, etc all make it worth it to me and I couldn't stand not having a jailbroken iPhone.


Cigars, hockey, and beer.
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Aug 18, 2010
Not to mention that iPhone operating system updates may hang your jail-broken phone.
Not sure what you mean by this. I've had zero problems with my JB phone, either of them in fact.


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May 23, 2010
I would want it jail broken for international use. I keep an old spare blackberry around, just to use when I leave the country-easy to chuck a cheap chip in there and off you go with your calls.