Well this has been a hard year for Mason. He switched schools because last year many of his friends left the Catholic school that he attended. He was quite miserable w/o many of his friends around and asked to switch also. Well Mason grew up in that school from PreK onward. All of my kids went or were going and I love the school and Kathy feels the same way. We also didn't like having our son feeling sad because his social life kinda was at an all time low. Mason has always been a great student so we decided to go ahead and switch him to the public school which if you ask me we have a pretty good public school system in our town. So Mason has gone from a class of around 15 students to a 6th grade class of 200, holy crap my brain is spinning. Well with that many kids you naturally have far more competition for sports. In 6th grade basketball starts up and I love basketball and I'll show my kids a few things if I can keep there attention long enough by dazzling them with my amazing shooting skills So they have been holding tryouts for the past 3 weeks while football has been going on. Mason is a good rebounder and defender and I've been trying to show him my little shot fake and go! Well it has paid off because Mason has made the A team and I couldn't be more proud of him. His social life is great his grades are great and Dad is very happy for him. Anyway thanks for looking and letting me tell my BOTL buddies:stretchgr