Well, tonight I attempted to smoke two out of the five #1's that I had left from '05 with a DIC 01 box code. I hadn't smoked one because I wanted them to age, and either gifted or sold the remainder away. The prelight draw after the cut was perfect, but as soon as the foot was toasted and I got 5-10 delicious honey-butter puffs out of the cigar, it plugged up tight. This also happened with the second stick.
After the duo of stoppages, I got out my trusty paperclip and pushed it through the tightest spot, freeing it up enough to get a few more puffs and the wrapper made an audible pop and split right at the tight spot about an inch long! (1/3 up the cigar)
They were then impossible to smoke thereafter as more air was entering the split than what was flowing through the lit end.
I was flabbergasted as this has never happened before. Can anyone explain why this occurred? I'd have some pics, but I hastily pitched them in the garden in anger. :rolling:
After the duo of stoppages, I got out my trusty paperclip and pushed it through the tightest spot, freeing it up enough to get a few more puffs and the wrapper made an audible pop and split right at the tight spot about an inch long! (1/3 up the cigar)
They were then impossible to smoke thereafter as more air was entering the split than what was flowing through the lit end.
I was flabbergasted as this has never happened before. Can anyone explain why this occurred? I'd have some pics, but I hastily pitched them in the garden in anger. :rolling: