Wtf! I just get done getting my birthday treats from the wife and she says "I hear something in the basement". I'm half asleep and don't pay any attention and then I hear something. So I go to the safe and grab a .45 and head out into the hallway and open the basement door. I hear two voices and think oh shit. I chamber a round, quietly and head down. I get to the first landing befor a turn and down to the bottom and I hear oh fuck and they run out the bulkhead. I get daown there and I find a coke bottle crack pipe, syringe, sponge and a bottle of water. I also find a probation paper from the lady who just got evicted grand son. Stupid fuckin junkies. So I nailled the inside bulkhead door shut and leave the other one open just incas they make a return visit. I was up all freakin night. In the am I do a perimeter search of he house and find my sons bedroom window screen torn open. God better help them if they ever return.
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