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This Is How Cigars Get A Bad Name

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Oct 3, 2010
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Hollywoody writes:

Just another rich fatty smoking the nastiest smelling weed their is.

Smoke pot it smells good and gives you a better buzz.
Naplestango writes:

People still smoke cigars? I thought that craze went out of style when JFK left office...Best way to roast your oesophagus...and your balcony.
LovesBS writes:

Just proves that money doesn't provide success or normality.

Besides, it's like kissing an ashtray.
naplesisabunchofwanttobees writes:

We need to immedietly start a campaign to ban all smoking in the united states so this will never happen again.


Some random brother
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Aug 2, 2009
Why don't we ban ice cream, so people don't get a fat ass, which causes an increase in healthcare, higher clothing cost, since they need more to cover that fat ass, and the poor cows that have to die to make them a bigger belt. :eyequiver

we all suffer.
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Jan 26, 2010
That is, no doubt, a sad story.

Concerning addressing anti-smoking crusaders; I have said and argued it to my fellow cigar enthusiasts before and will continue that the best response to such sentiments is to be a responsible and courteous smoker. A big ol' F U attitude is not. Second, support the CRA.
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Sep 24, 2009
Eau Claire, WI
That is, no doubt, a sad story.

Concerning addressing anti-smoking crusaders; I have said and argued it to my fellow cigar enthusiasts before and will continue that the best response to such sentiments is to be a responsible and courteous smoker. A big ol' F U attitude is not. Second, support the CRA.
I disagree. I've found that the Big 'Ol F U attitude works great in most, if not all social and professional situations. :)
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Feb 12, 2008
Karachi, Pakistan
True story happened to me on Halloween night back when I was in university. The fucking guys living below me had a party, I did too but that's a different story, either way I was smashed by the time I hit the sack around 4 in the morning or so and was in pretty deep sleep when I heard pipes banging. Was too deep in sleep to think about it, some time later my room mate walked in and said "Danny there's a fire we gotta leave." I of course was in no mood to leave my bed and asked if he was insane to which he reliped "fire alarms ringing and your room is full of smoke."

Forced outta my bed I looked for my slippers, shirt and pants neither of which I could find so I grabbed my laptop and my cigars and headed out in my boxers. It was a fucking cold morning and some ass had parked his car in front of the fire house which was two blocks away.

The cause of the fire was a cigar left burning on the couch which was right next to the power board which ignited as a result of the couch catching fire. Go figure my clothes smelt like smoke for months and I couldn't use my place for 3 months while I waited for new floors and walls.