Ron - I wear shorts pretty much ALL of the time, either that or I'm wearing a business suit (rare), so, I carry literally ALL the time in shorts, specifically cargo shorts.
I'd *highly* recommend a gun belt, it helps support the load better, especially when you are wearing a holster.
Here's my two usual setups:
#1 - this is SUPER comfy and probably most covert! S&W Bodyguard .38 Special+P in my front right pocket - pockets are contoured to fit pistol (bought 'em that way, wore them had, had them tailored to be heavy-dute), speedloader in cargo pocket below it. My wallet is in my front left pocket and my cell phone is in the cargo pocket below it. Picture (also packing the Kimber here):
#2 - This is also a great setup. Kimber Compact Aluminum in a Bulman Gunleather PDL IWB at around 3-5 o'Clock with a gun belt (I think it's a Galco). Cell phone in right front pocket, wallet in left front pocket and extra mag in cargo pocket below it. Picture:
Regarding a fanny pack - wear/use what works for you. If you are not able to carry comfortably then you may not carry...and that defeats the purpose of a CHL.
I have a carry-specific fanny pack that I originally started carrying (back in '96) my Glock 17 in. I didn't have any "good" holsters then like I do now. Every now and then I'll use a fanny pack when on a long car trip, especially when I'm wearing gym shorts and a thin t-shirt. It's great that the gun is readily accessible and essentially in plain sight. I pocket carry in gym shorts around the house, but there's NO way that I'd do it while out and prints big time, even with my pocket .38 revolver. That's where the fanny pack is great, for me.