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Damn snow!


Smoke Into Oblivion
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Mar 27, 2010
Richmond, Va
So I'm walking, heavily bundled up, to my truck to go smoke a cigar. The driveway is not particularly well shoveled. We got a couple of inches of snow a few days ago. Guess what? Slip, and crash. I may sound like a curmudgeon, but I hate snow, and especially the ice that it runs into here, once it melts, and freezes. Ouch. Hyper extended my knee... sideways. Instead of bending forward and backward, it went sideways. After a few hours it started to really hurt, and swell up like a balloon... so now I'm just getting home from the E.R. What did they do? Four hours, and I get an ace bandage and some ibuprofen! What is that?! I am in pain here! I want a big ass splint, and percocet! Just a rant, but boy... I am P.O.'ed!:angerhead


The Bully
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Sep 15, 2010
Long Island, NY
The ibuprophen is better since it'll help with the swelling. Once that goes down, the pain will ease up. Elevate your foot and pump your ankle as if you're pressing and letting up on a gas pedal. It'll help get the fluid out of there faster. The spint will make it worse and can cause the muscles to atrophy. I know what it's like though as that's how I originaly injured my knee 24 years ago except I was playing ball (I turned the base but my knee didn't).

Still sucks though but I hope you feel better soon!


Smoke Into Oblivion
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Mar 27, 2010
Richmond, Va
Did they do any tests? Sideways sounds like ACL?
It would actually be MCL because of the direction it twisted. Not sure on that yet though. Preliminary exam didn't look like it. Seeing a good Orthpedic specialist on Wednesday. Got an X-Ray, but the technician seemed to have no idea what she was doing, and radiologists, in my experience are quacks. At least that showed that I didn't break anything. :angerFU:

The real problem is that this wouldn't be the first time I f*cked my knees up. I used to play football, and as a fullback, ruined both of my knees. Hoping for the best though.

Anyway, going to be propped up for a while. Need to get propped up somewhere that I can smoke though :p
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Dec 16, 2010
It would actually be MCL because of the direction it twisted. Not sure on that yet though. Preliminary exam didn't look like it. Seeing a good Orthpedic specialist on Wednesday. Got an X-Ray, but the technician seemed to have no idea what she was doing, and radiologists, in my experience are quacks. At least that showed that I didn't break anything. :angerFU::p
Atleast xray was negative. Orthopedists should perform manual tests, lachman and stabilty testing, to determine if there is ligament damage. Hopefully all negative! Good Luck!!!!


Smoke Into Oblivion
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Mar 27, 2010
Richmond, Va
So how's the Ketorolac working? Over the years I've had more of that than most people have had Ibuprofen, and it's never done squat for me!
Not bad. Took something... eh... stronger a little while ago though. But the toradol has done well with the swelling. I'm lucky that my pcp knows I work in a pharmacy, so I have scripts for all of the otc stuff (like, I get #60 800mg ibuprofen for $3, because I have a script) so I've been alternating that and the toradol. Swelling is definitely down. Pain comes and goes, and also depends on position.


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Feb 8, 2006
West coast
Not bad. Took something... eh... stronger a little while ago though. But the toradol has done well with the swelling. I'm lucky that my pcp knows I work in a pharmacy, so I have scripts for all of the otc stuff (like, I get #60 800mg ibuprofen for $3, because I have a script) so I've been alternating that and the toradol. Swelling is definitely down. Pain comes and goes, and also depends on position.
Oh, oh. Never let Dprice know you work in a pharmacy!:halfgrinw