Soooo sweet! :stretchgrI like to get mine in b4 the wife gets home from work so my smoking time doesn't interfere with our time.
That was a good session and I remember you smoked a ViajeDepends if the wife is in town.
Ended a smoke at 3:00Am on chat one time. :agreesmil
2x:thumbsup:Two primary factors for me:
1) What's the weather like?
2) How early do I have to get up in the morning?
If it's frickin' cold and I have to get up early (most of the time both are true these days) ... I don't burn one in the evenings at all.
That's not going to help you sleep... but since you're up, what are you smoking?Well its 2:25am here right now and I am just lighting one up. Here's to insomnia.
A Gran Habano Vintage 2002 Churchill, what about yourself?That's not going to help you sleep... but since you're up, what are you smoking?