Got a box of '03s that are fantastic. Love the SLR Marca.Saint Luis Rey Regios ISOM
Delicious. This one really shines on the retrohale. A regular draw gives toasty, nutty flavours, but the retrohale brings in a whole different layer of sweetness and vanilla bean.
Beautiful smoke. Loved it.
Got a box of '03s that are fantastic. Love the SLR Marca.
Love the sweetness of them and the fact it's not in your face. Very flavorful smokes IMO.This is the first time I've retrohaled a whole stick.
I swear if I hadn't I would have said " was okay...a little flat."
But with the retrohale, it's a mild-to-medium bodied treat. Flavours of vanilla and sweet spice abound.
My only problem was that the band was glued to the wrapper, so when it came time to take it off, it ripped a 1/4" chunk of the wrapper off.
To me that's a big "why the hell would anyone ever do that?" right there.
that looks gorgeous! love the colors of the band. pops against the snowy backdrop.Exclusivo
how much rest on it? i've smoked a couple and they all had a weird taste to them. i'm hoping with age it fades away, because the other flavors in there were enjoyable.Tat Red Tubo...delicious.