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Texas Cigar Merchants Association prepares to roll over to smoking ban

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Mar 2, 2009
Houston, TX
Yet again, a statewide smoking ban for Texas will be proposed in the next legislative session. If one looks at the issues from a direction of private business owner's rights, you can see that any smoking ban is an infringement and should be opposed as such.

From what I've heard, the Texas Cigar Merchants Association doesn't see it that way. Whereas, in the past, they have banded together to oppose Crownover's bans, she has said she will make concessions for cigar related businesses, and the TXCMA has accepted the terms and endorsed the bill.

While this will protect cigar shops and other tobacco related business from the ban, it will ensure that cigar shops and tobacco related businesses are the only places that will be able to allow smoking in the state of Texas. It is a slippery slope, and I don't believe that we should let this happen. I will be personally letting them know that I do not believe in this fool's compromise.

What do you think? Is it ok to infringe on the rights of private business owners, as long as you can still smoke in cigar shops?
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Jan 5, 2011
Dallas, TX
I think these bans are egregious violation of Americans' freedom of speech as individuals and business owners. People should be free to choose to smoke and to be around smoke. Business owners should be able to choose if they want their establishments to be smoke free or not. Plain and simple. If a non smoker is put off by the smoke in a business he or she is free to patron another establishment that does not allow smoking.

Bans are an epidemic in the nation of ours. Government can't solve everything and in trying it just tramples over peoples' rights.


BoM x 2, BoY 2011
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Sep 23, 2008
south of KCMO
very sad they'd roll over. exceptions can be over turned in a heartbeat. then they'll be out in the cold wishing they'd stood up for everyone's rights.
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Jun 24, 2009
Joplin MO
Springfield, MO had an issue like what Bob suggested could happen.

A little while back, the mayor, I think, tried to overturn the exemptions that were in the original smoking ban. I think it was a failed attempt, but was to be revisited. So, it is not uncommon for them to try to come back and eliminate the exemptions!

Oh, here's that thread:

When enough isn't enough for some people!


King Dude
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Apr 28, 2009
Olivehurst, CA
A private business is just that, private. If I run a business then I should be able to choose what I will allow. If the emplyees do not like the smoke they can quit. If the customers do not like it they can go somewhere else. If an owner of another business doesn't like smoke he can ban it in his establishment. We are adults right? This is the first step. That happened to the West Coast awhile ago. The next step was banning smoking in any place except stand alone buildings. That killed a lot of shops in Washington and Oregan. I am just waiting for it to happen in CA. Whats next after that?