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Needing a little help from fellow brothers...


Cigar Assassin
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Dec 9, 2010
I was looking to drop a surprise package to a fellow brother at a military base... Just had a big issue at the post office about sending cigars to him...

Me - "I would like to send a friend a care package thanking him for doing what he is doing for us."
Post Master - You will have to fill out a customs form for this, by the way what is it.
Me - a few cigars for him and his buddies to enjoy
Post Master - "That's contra-band and you are not allowed to send it to them. I am appalled for you trying to do that"
Me - Look here jackwagon (stole it from the commercial). These guys are protecting our asses. I think they deserve the ability to enjoy something these since they are over there getting shot at, while you and I are sleeping comfortably in our beds."
Post Master - I will not allow that, please leave before I have to call the authorities.
Me - seriously. Thanks for nothing you unpatriotic ________. (Fill in the blank)
Need a little advise on how to get it to him..

1. just try again at another post office

2. when I fill out the customs form do I "forget" whats in there are put something else on the form instead of Cigars

How do you guys do it?

Angry Bill

2x BoM, BoY '08
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Nov 6, 2007
San Fernando Valley, CA
Cigars are not contraband. You can send them, unless they are from a small isle. You are shipping to an APO?

I would take them to another post office. COmplete the forms stating there is personal hygeine and other items. No need to be specific. Remember, cigars are sent to the troops everyday, along with chewing tobacco, gum, food, etc.

This the law regarding sending cigars via the mail. http://www.usps.com/communications/newsroom/2010/pr10_060.htm

Cigars are exempt.
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Feb 19, 2010
Bamberg Germany, via WA/CA
First of all they are WRONG for saying they cannot send cigars. You can. Public Law No. 111-154 signed into law March 31 2010 and summarized in a postal press release dated June 17 2010 specifically says "The prohibition does not pertain to cigars."

I say try another post office. Or do what I did which is print off the reg and put it in their face.

Being deployed and having recieved a shit ton of cigars from brothers while here in Afghanistan I have seen alot of boxes labeled paint brushes and art supplies.

Hope that helps! Thank you for trying to say thank you to one of us!
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Cigar Assassin
Rating - 98.5%
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Dec 9, 2010
I guess I will get a bigger box and send a chit load of candy, gum and put the cigar box in there. Hey WTH more is always better. Thanks guys
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Sep 24, 2009
Eau Claire, WI
Good advice about printing out the reg. I'm guessing the idiot PO worker probably assumed you meant cubans. Also, I personally would go right back to that same employee with the reg in hand.
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Jun 13, 2009
Central Coast, CA
just an idiot employee. For a lot of people cigarettes and cigars are the same thing. I wouldn't recomend lying on the customs forms because if for some reason they check and see that you lied your package will be "confiscated" and someone, not troops will be enjoying the cigars.
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Jan 11, 2005
I would not go back to the same employee. Too asy for him to have an incident with your package. Just go somewhere else and put personel items on the form. You really don't need to put other stuff in there to make it legit. I've sent about a dozen packages so far with no issues. Just be sure you are sending it to a specific person and not "any soldier" at such and such APO.
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Oct 11, 2010
Montesano, WA
I've sent cigars to troops before and put right on the customs form that it was cigars and I had no issues with my post office. I would print out the reg and just take it in with you next time.


I'm finished with cigars
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Sep 22, 2010
Whatever you do, stand your ground. If they attempt to open the package to see what's inside, tell them that YOU will be call the authorities for tampering with the mail (which is a federal offence).
Better yet, get all your forms filled out at home, slap on the mailing label, put enough stamps on the box, THEN go to the post office. That way, the item is already an official mail article and all they have to do is stamp it and send it.
Oh oh oh....even better, send it Registered Post.

If you really want to kick the local Postmaster's ass, get familiar with the Universal Postal Union and its' rules (nearly ALL countries are part of the UPU, that's how we can send mail international).


BoM Nov '10
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Dec 30, 2009
Joplin, MO
I would go to a different PO. I've never had a problem sending any of my boxes, but I use a PO in a local grocery store. It's actually quite convenient as it's just down the road and hardly ever a line.

What I would do is take a copy of the regulations and shove it in that guys face. I'd also contact the guy he reports to and let them know how "helpful" he was...for what it's worth :dunno:.

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Jan 11, 2005
Why would you want to antagonize a postal worker? LOL Going postal is real.

Really, I would mail from somewhere else. The usps has it's own "code of ethics" that vary location to location. Sure you could "rub his face in it", but once you leave there's no telling what would happen to that package. On another visit I would politely present a copy of the regs to said employee and just ask him to clarify it for you.
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Feb 2, 2009
Naples, Florida
I always just put 200g duty free as that's the weight of tobacco you are allowed to send. But Bill's answer is probably the best way to go. I have had this problem before and now I just carry a copy of the regulations with me with the appropriate provisions highlighted.


Cigar King Scottsdale
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Apr 1, 2010
Phoenix, AZ
I work for a B&M and we are constantly sending out packages for the troops overseas and have NEVER had a problem. They know what we are shipping and have never said no. In fact, the girls love it so much, they put out a jar to gather dollars to help pay for the shipping. We ship 10-20 boxes out a week so it adds up quick.

I do know that a brother here, AZCigarNut, went to a different post office and was told the same as you. He called us immediately and I told him it was BS and to go to a different PO.