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Needing a little help from fellow brothers...

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Nov 20, 2014
Tried to ship to one of our guys APO and was denied as well. I'll go back with a copy of the law and set that lady straight!!! GRRRRRRRR!!!! Thanks my BOTLses!!!
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Jul 22, 2014
Greybull, WY
I was wondering this exact thing yesterday. I told them it was a book and was prepared to tell them all about this book forum I've gotten into . Fortunately she asked no further questions... Last time she asked I said "cigars" and she said "I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that". Apparently shipping sticks anywhere (I'm guessing in the great UofA) without a license is illegal!
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Jul 22, 2014
Greybull, WY
Cigars are not contraband. You can send them, unless they are from a small isle. You are shipping to an APO?

I would take them to another post office. COmplete the forms stating there is personal hygeine and other items. No need to be specific. Remember, cigars are sent to the troops everyday, along with chewing tobacco, gum, food, etc.

This the law regarding sending cigars via the mail. http://www.usps.com/communications/newsroom/2010/pr10_060.htm

Cigars are exempt.
First of all they are WRONG for saying they cannot send cigars. You can. Public Law No. 111-154 signed into law March 31 2010 and summarized in a postal press release dated June 17 2010 specifically says "The prohibition does not pertain to cigars."

I say try another post office. Or do what I did which is print off the reg and put it in their face.

Being deployed and having recieved a shit ton of cigars from brothers while here in Afghanistan I have seen alot of boxes labeled paint brushes and art supplies.

Hope that helps! Thank you for trying to say thank you to one of us!
Disregard all this Noob just said I should've read thread a little further!....STOopid NOOoob!
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Nov 13, 2014
Fort Wainwright, AK
I just got two boxes of cigars in from two different retailers no problem today. I don't see how some people pick and choose what they are going to send. When I was in Afghanistan I had friends that would send me real Newports (if you've been overseas and smoke them you know that's a blessing). Even my mother has sent me tobacco products.