I was looking to drop a surprise package to a fellow brother at a military base... Just had a big issue at the post office about sending cigars to him...
1. just try again at another post office
2. when I fill out the customs form do I "forget" whats in there are put something else on the form instead of Cigars
How do you guys do it?
Me - "I would like to send a friend a care package thanking him for doing what he is doing for us."
Post Master - You will have to fill out a customs form for this, by the way what is it.
Me - a few cigars for him and his buddies to enjoy
Post Master - "That's contra-band and you are not allowed to send it to them. I am appalled for you trying to do that"
Me - Look here jackwagon (stole it from the commercial). These guys are protecting our asses. I think they deserve the ability to enjoy something these since they are over there getting shot at, while you and I are sleeping comfortably in our beds."
Post Master - I will not allow that, please leave before I have to call the authorities.
Me - seriously. Thanks for nothing you unpatriotic ________. (Fill in the blank)
Need a little advise on how to get it to him..Post Master - You will have to fill out a customs form for this, by the way what is it.
Me - a few cigars for him and his buddies to enjoy
Post Master - "That's contra-band and you are not allowed to send it to them. I am appalled for you trying to do that"
Me - Look here jackwagon (stole it from the commercial). These guys are protecting our asses. I think they deserve the ability to enjoy something these since they are over there getting shot at, while you and I are sleeping comfortably in our beds."
Post Master - I will not allow that, please leave before I have to call the authorities.
Me - seriously. Thanks for nothing you unpatriotic ________. (Fill in the blank)
1. just try again at another post office
2. when I fill out the customs form do I "forget" whats in there are put something else on the form instead of Cigars
How do you guys do it?