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Cigar Pet Peeves

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Jun 24, 2009
Joplin MO
Seconded...when I was at the Drew Estate event at Outlaw, they were everywhere and I woud keep getting whifs of...well...perfume I guess you'll call it and I could always trace it back to someone with one of these suckers.

My pet peeve is having to smoke a cigar next to Dan...

Oh, just kidding!

The band thing gets me, too. I'm anal retentive about some things. (No, really, I am... ) And I like to keep my bands nice.

Just ask Bob and Dan about me wrestling with the conglomerate of bands on that Padron 46 when we were up at Outlaw a couple weeks ago. Friggin' hell! Had the 46 band, the Padron band, and the serial number band. And to top it all, the serial number band and Padron label didn't end/start in the same place; they were opposite. And then, there was a UPC sticker on the back, running perpendicular across ALL of the above mentioned bands. Holy Hell!! :closedmou

Okay, Okay... I'm alright...
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Dec 27, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Maybe this should be in Gear Grinding thread instead, because one of my bigger cigar pet peeves has little to do with cigars or cigar smokers.

I get pissed nearly EVERY time I go to a cigar brand web site. Enough with all the flash and bs mouse-over crap. F it. Takes some sites over a minute to load!
And then, do you think you might actually find something useful such as the size of an LE realease from over a week ago? Not a chance. How about losing all the tech-y junk and tell me about your cigars??

Some of the info that I have would like occasional access to, but rarely find (at least rarely on a brand web site):
-Vitolas produced
-Origin of tobacco in each blend; region would be nice, but I'd settle for country, at least
-Where rolled
-Whose factory were they produced in
-Who grew the tobacco
-Name of orignal blender
-Info on discontinued lines
Oh, and did I mention all the flash and mouse over sliding, rotating, picture-changing, sound-inducing BS?
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Sep 15, 2010
I agree, Dave.

It seems like some of the most obvious information to include in the websites is always next to impossible to find (if it's there at all).
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Oct 29, 2010
None really. Cigars are supposed to be relaxing. Not all cigars work out and that's just the way it goes so there's no sense in me getting worked up or annoyed over it, I can always toss it and get another one.
Yup I'll second this, the last thing I am when smoking a cigar is peeved.
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Sep 15, 2010
Eh...yelling at them is a bit much.

I say let them do whatever they're doing. As long as they're not causing problems in the store or damaging merchandise, if they're paying customers, it's not really your right to yell at them for "not smoking properly".

That is, unless you were just joking about the yelling part. In which case, thumbs up!
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Feb 2, 2011
-Bad draw has to be near the top for me...

-B&Ms that keep the humidity too high...or let their cigars dry out.

-Glued bands that tear the wrapper when you try to take them off.

-Cigars that produce so little smoke that you have to triple puff to get any out of (this is mainly a storage issue, I believe). Quickly overheats the cigar.

-B&Ms that carry only General Cigar/Altadis brands. I understand why if they aren't too big. But that jjust doesn't interest me.
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Feb 2, 2011
Cigars that taste like pee kind of bug me as well...even if they draw and burn well and the band is easy to remove!!


Cigar King Scottsdale
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Apr 1, 2010
Phoenix, AZ
I will say the glued band is my biggest issue. Other then that, nothing with cigars bothers me much.

On the ashing comments, I am one of those people. I don't like to keep a big ash on my cigar, never have for some reason. Working in a B&M it annoys me to no end the people that keep a huge ash then it drops on the floor, on accident I know, but still.


BoM July '13
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Jan 3, 2010
3. going into a B&M and them trying to push a crap brand on me and treating me like I'm an idiot because I am young.
I've actually had a shop owner take some LPs out of the bunch I brought to the counter and tell me that I should stick to milder smokes... that I couldn't handle their strength. Royally pissed me off.
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Sep 15, 2010
Honestly, I'd rather have a crooked burn than a tight draw...

Quoted for truth.

A crooked burn really doesn't bother me much as long as it's not like, 3 inches down one side or something.

But a tight draw can ruin a smoke. If you have to triple-puff to get any amount of smoke out, it overheats the cigar and ruins the flavours.