My pet peeve is having to smoke a cigar next to Dan...Seconded...when I was at the Drew Estate event at Outlaw, they were everywhere and I woud keep getting whifs of...well...perfume I guess you'll call it and I could always trace it back to someone with one of these suckers.
Oh, just kidding!
The band thing gets me, too. I'm anal retentive about some things. (No, really, I am... ) And I like to keep my bands nice.
Just ask Bob and Dan about me wrestling with the conglomerate of bands on that Padron 46 when we were up at Outlaw a couple weeks ago. Friggin' hell! Had the 46 band, the Padron band, and the serial number band. And to top it all, the serial number band and Padron label didn't end/start in the same place; they were opposite. And then, there was a UPC sticker on the back, running perpendicular across ALL of the above mentioned bands. Holy Hell!! :closedmou
Okay, Okay... I'm alright...