You know the original Nica Libres were supposed to be comparable to Padrons...having sampled them side by side I found the Nicas wanting. Not to say they weren't okay, just not a Padron. Not even close in my book. I'd wouldn't be surprised to find that the Potencias were the same way when compared to Oliva V :dunno:.
True, but the thing is they don't try to compare these to the Oliva V, make the label look similar, or mention "alternative to oliva v" in any of their ads that I have seen. Considering how often these vendors do this type of advertising, I find it to appear almost as if they are not allowed to make this comparison.
Furthermore, unlike the original nica libre, these cigars are being manufactured by the same company(Oliva) and in the same factory as the Oliva V's. Also, the sizes(which are not what would be considered common for the vitolas the company classifies them as) are the EXACT same as the Oliva V line. The wrapper looks also to be identical(reddish hue habano sun grown wrapper). Tobacco is supplied by the same company(oliva).
So here is what the Nica Libre Potencia shares with the Oliva V line
-EXACT same sizes
-made in the same factory
-tobacco leaf from the same company
-Same wrapper leaf type("reddish hue" habano sun grown)
-apparently identical construction
-both are Nicaraguan puros
-suspiciously absent brand comparison from a retailer that makes brand comparisons about just about every line they offer
Besides, I haven't seen any Oliva V seconds on the market. I would assume that if a company like Oliva were to sell their seconds or nonlabeled oliva v's to a retailer for one of their exclusive brands, they would probably forbid that retailer from disclosing the fact that they were Oliva V cigars or Oliva V seconds. In this situation they can sell many more cigars without harming their brand name line sales significantly. Similar to how many companies manufacture both their name brand items and also contracted "store brand" items, usually on the same line with the same materials.