The cigar could be outstanding and if it is, congrats to Andre but there is still no such thing as late harvest tobacco.LET me add....
If this new cigar with it's overly ripe leaves, ends up being the best thing to hit cigars since fire, then Pete will end up eating some words, in a big way.
So he has more to lose by posting here, than Andre does by not. Andre will let the excitement from a few Limited releases, to carry him into a way to market a crop that got picked too late.
BTW Selling a car, Fresh Paint!!!
Translation , Car had a recent accident, and body work just got completed.
If I told everyone I used Late harvest tobacco in the pork tenderloin, it would be a lie. Was the cigar a hit, sure but I would have been making up things to help sell it and now I would be deceiving the consumer.
The only thing this will do if it is a hit, is fool more people into thinking they are smoking a thing called late harvest tobacco. Which is not a real thing.....