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Now I Am Pissed Too


Is it Nicaraguan
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Aug 13, 2007
Tracy, CA
First of all, I hate it when the anti smokers post an anonymous question then offer up an answer in the form of an editorial as was the case with this weasel.


Come on folks, you have bandied about this rhetoric almost unchecked for years, twisting the data in favor of your elitist argument. The propaganda is nauseating!

Damn, let grown folks be grown folks. We are more than capable of deciding for ourselves what we like and don't like.

And then there's the treat of the FDA to contend with (see latter half of article). We cigar smokers are being attacked on all fronts.
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Feb 9, 2011
Boynton Beach, FL
In the Tampa Bay article, I really enjoy the fact of how they use a single, vague source to cite their work. In the case of the cigar smoking, it is Joey Smith, a "health communications specialist" with the CDC. They also quote the National Cancer Institute study that basically found that smoking up to 1-2 cigars per day has shown no statistical increase in health issues. But instead of quoting that, they pick out that little gem to support Joey.

I don't know how much education is needed to become a journalist, but when I was in Jr. High I was taught about bias and how to include both points of view and let the reader decide for themselves. Anymore, the majority of the media is just pushing the government line...

Even the glacier issue in the next question was a hack. "Gee, let's use two scientists that are proven to pray at the alter of global warming as our source. We'll use their computer model to explain how half of the glaciers are going to disappear!" As they ignore actual measurements taken in the field that show that yes, many glaciers are receding in area, but they are also getting much thicker. So much so that the total volume has actually increased! But let's not cloud the subject with facts here. Let's just report on models and feelings instead. :argh:

Sorry, got a bit off-topic there. :stickbeat
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Oct 3, 2010
I wanted to register just to comment on the article hehe. "Cool story bro... brb smoking a cigar".

Should compare the health risks of cigars to cheese burgers.