I bought a box of Havana VI not too long ago. I am sure they are super fresh but I was wondering if there was any way to tell from the two stickers on the bottom. One says E23 and the other R7. Does that mean anything at all?
agreed...bottom of box should have a 3 letter month and 2 year dateThere should be a date stamped on the body?
11th of January 2011It has..
My Father
11 ENE 11
stamped on the bottom of the box. Cigars from the future? lol
Enero is Spanish for JanuaryHow did you get Jan out of ENE? Is there a reference for these things anywhere or is it just acquired knowledge?
Sounds like they are just using the same month abbreviations that H.S.A. uses (for example)Boxes out of Miami (Brown Label minus the 7th and some others) have had the dates on them for awhile if not from the get go. I think recently the My Father factory has been adding dates, as far as the codes go can't help you but I'm sure one dude can.
* me too...(Face Palm) Thanks