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Phone Advice

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Jan 12, 2011
Hilton Head Island
My wife currently has a Blackberry Curve 8530 which is falling apart.

We are on Verizon and since I've held my account for over 12 years they are offering me some nice incentives to upgrade at little to no cost.

I know the iphone is the Jesus phone but I also really like the new HTC Thunderbolt, the older Droid X and the LG Revolution.

My wife has never been exposed to Apple (like me with my ipod touch) so the learning curve will be the same if its Android or Apple.

At the end of the day do you think the iphone is the end-all phone to have? The Thunderbold and Droid's look pretty good too?



Is it Nicaraguan
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Aug 13, 2007
Tracy, CA

Having had a BB and my son having a 'droid, I can tell you hands down that for me, the iPhone is the best phone in terms of ease of use, application both use and interface. Unlike many, I have been an AT&T (formerly Cingular) subscriber for years and from my first iPhone 3G to this one iPhone 4, I have never been happier.

A couple of suggestions:

Get the 64GB if you get the 4. You'll be amazed how much data and songs and video you will amass.

If you can hold out, wait until September and pick up either the new iPhone 5 or the new 4S.

Just my $ .02

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Feb 22, 2009
iphone... there's no other phone. Here's what makes it different: You don't have to learn how to use it. It's so intuitive. I picked up a few Androids and played around with them. Within a couple of minutes I lost interest, because I felt like I needed a manual. Not to mention the interface is jerky and just not as appealing. I'm sure they're easy to learn, but why bother?

Get the real deal.
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Jan 12, 2011
Hilton Head Island

Having had a BB and my son having a 'droid, I can tell you hands down that for me, the iPhone is the best phone in terms of ease of use, application both use and interface. Unlike many, I have been an AT&T (formerly Cingular) subscriber for years and from my first iPhone 3G to this one iPhone 4, I have never been happier.

A couple of suggestions:

Get the 64GB if you get the 4. You'll be amazed how much data and songs and video you will amass.

If you can hold out, wait until September and pick up either the new iPhone 5 or the new 4S.

Just my $ .02

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks - I've been reading the new iphone 5 is coming Sep and a beefed up version of the 4. Yeah, I'd like to wait it's just the BB Curve is coming apart and we don't have insurance.

I enjoy Apple's ease of use, my ipod touch is amazing. I just feel Apple is becoming Big Brother (for a number of reasons I wound get into) and I hate to support them. Possibly unfounded, but non-the-less I feel that way....


BoM 11/09, 4/10 BoY '10
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Mar 12, 2009
Go to the store and play with them. I know people that switched from Apple to Android and vice versa. There are plenty of extreme fans of both so pick whatever works best for you.

I will be getting a new phone in August or September and will make sure to get the most advanced/fastest phone at that time...


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
Go to the store and play with them. I know people that switched from Apple to Android and vice versa. There are plenty of extreme fans of both so pick whatever works best for you.
This. For me, the iPhone has been the easiest to figure out phone I've ever had. My dad has one of the Droids from Verizon and I played with it when visiting him. I'm sure given some time I could figure it out, but I like that with the iPhone there wasn't much I had to really spend time figuring.

Angry Bill

2x BoM, BoY '08
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Nov 6, 2007
San Fernando Valley, CA
OK, you might like the HTC Thunderbolt has a major issue. Horrible battery life and there is not fix in sight. If you watch video and on the net all day, you will not get 3 hours out of your phone. Its ashame that Verizon is recommending folks buy at least one additional battery ($50) if not two. I love my Droid 2 and have no issues.
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Jan 6, 2010
I am still in contract with Verizon right now, but I was thinking about upgrading any ways to a 4g phone. I would suggest getting a 4g phone such as the Thunderbolt or any other 4g phone for that matter for the following reason:

IMPORTANT: Verizon is doing away with the unlimited data plans in the next few days. But if you already have the unlimited data plan they are letting you keep that plan. So my question to the people at the Verizon Store was if I have a 3G unlimited data plan will I be able to keep unlimited data when i switch to 4G. I have went down the Verizon Store 3 times to find out, but I can't get a for sure answer out of anyone at the store including the manager. I was told if you get the 4g unlimited data now before they do away with it, you will be able to keep it. But if you have the 3g unlimited data and want to get 4g after the new plans go into effect you will probably have to get a tiered data plan($30 for 2GB, $50 for 5GB and $80 for 10GB).

This is just what I was told at the Verizon Store, So I am not sure. I am thinking of getting a 4G phone just to be safe.
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Jan 12, 2011
Hilton Head Island
I am still in contract with Verizon right now, but I was thinking about upgrading any ways to a 4g phone. I would suggest getting a 4g phone such as the Thunderbolt or any other 4g phone for that matter for the following reason:

IMPORTANT: Verizon is doing away with the unlimited data plans in the next few days. But if you already have the unlimited data plan they are letting you keep that plan. So my question to the people at the Verizon Store was if I have a 3G unlimited data plan will I be able to keep unlimited data when i switch to 4G. I have went down the Verizon Store 3 times to find out, but I can't get a for sure answer out of anyone at the store including the manager. I was told if you get the 4g unlimited data now before they do away with it, you will be able to keep it. But if you have the 3g unlimited data and want to get 4g after the new plans go into effect you will probably have to get a tiered data plan($30 for 2GB, $50 for 5GB and $80 for 10GB).

This is just what I was told at the Verizon Store, So I am not sure. I am thinking of getting a 4G phone just to be safe.
I too have been looking into this as well and heard it too. From my research there appears to be no base that the unlimited plan is changing.

I did not go into the store like you but according to everything I've researched online and the phone conversations with Verizon support no one can confirm (or deny for that matter) the coversion is happening.

Does anyone now for sure around here? Please chime in!

Herfin' Harg

BoM March 2012
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May 11, 2011
Austin, TX
I think it really depends on what you're gonna do with it. I have an original release Droid, and I love it. I don't use a TON of apps, and really just use it for messaging, email, web-browsing on the go, etc., as I'm rarely out of reach of a laptop.

For me, a reasonably big fella with monstrously large hands, getting a phone with a hardware keyboard was a no brainer. I've never been a fan of the touchscreen keyboards, as I invariably mash AT LEAST two extraneous keys when trying to type anything.

Believe I'm up for a contract renewal with Verizon in August, and I'll likely be picking up the new Droid 3 or Droid Bionic at that point, as its release in expected within the next few weeks.

Best of luck!
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Jun 13, 2011
Surprise, AZ
Thanks - I've been reading the new iphone 5 is coming Sep and a beefed up version of the 4. Yeah, I'd like to wait it's just the BB Curve is coming apart and we don't have insurance.

I enjoy Apple's ease of use, my ipod touch is amazing. I just feel Apple is becoming Big Brother (for a number of reasons I wound get into) and I hate to support them. Possibly unfounded, but non-the-less I feel that way....
I use a blackberry because I have to for work. I got my wife a I-phone this year and she loves it. It makes my Blackberry storm look like an Atari 2600. My daughter goes through phones every couple of months and I just get her a new one from Ebay. You can pick up a Blackberry for Verizon off Ebay for less than $60 and use it until the new I-phone is released.


Young & Eager
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Apr 21, 2011
Charlotte, NC
Hey James!

I didn't read through the other responses so I may be repeating, but I always tend to be the "go-to" guy when my friends and family need phone advice :innocent:

Let me tell you up front, in order to be happy with your phone choice, you HAVE to 1) Know what you want out of your phone 2) know what the capabilities of said phone are and 3) what are you willing to pay for your "price to satisfaction" ratio. Explained further:

1) What are you going to do?
a. Do you even need a smart phone?
b. Is it for any sort of formal use (ie not just texting friends)
c. Are you set on getting a smart phone because you want to be a person with a smart phone? (no way is this an insult, it's completely fine)

2) Capabilities
a. iPhones only differ by generation. Getting one allows you to purchase blindly and know you're getting a great phone "overall" without having to really pick and choose
b. Droids are SUPER powerful phones and very user friendly. But if you don't pick the right one you'll hate it
c. Battery life is much better on any iPhone. Droids aren't as good but you can purchase a spare battery and wall charger cheap. I always have batteries laying around and never think twice about it (I spent $30 for wall charger plus 2 extra batteries)

3) Cost
a. You pay a premium for any Apple product and most of the good Droids. Are you spending more to have the "latest and coolest" or you spending more to have a better product? Either can satisfy this but buying an older generation iPhone/Droid can certainly save you some money without sacrificing much
b. Buy a cheap Droid and you'll have a crappy phone that'll lag, be lacking in updates/support, not be any fun to use

I know I kind of rambled but the only way to be happy with you phone is to know what you're getting beforehand. The only way to do this is to ask yourself questions, then find out if the phone can do that.

My suggestion: Droid Incredible 2. Excellent software, cheap (~$100), and sexy appearance

EDIT: I just thought I'd share something else. My mom never used anything but her old razor for years and is knows nothing of technology. One day walked in for a new battery and walked out with a Droid X all by herself. Figured out how to do everything on it including sending me an email bragging about it. Tell THAT to someone who says iPhones are the only easy phone to use :)
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Jan 12, 2011
Hilton Head Island
Hey James!

I didn't read through the other responses so I may be repeating, but I always tend to be the "go-to" guy when my friends and family need phone advice :innocent:

Let me tell you up front, in order to be happy with your phone choice, you HAVE to 1) Know what you want out of your phone 2) know what the capabilities of said phone are and 3) what are you willing to pay for your "price to satisfaction" ratio. Explained further:

1) What are you going to do?
a. Do you even need a smart phone?
b. Is it for any sort of formal use (ie not just texting friends)
c. Are you set on getting a smart phone because you want to be a person with a smart phone? (no way is this an insult, it's completely fine)

2) Capabilities
a. iPhones only differ by generation. Getting one allows you to purchase blindly and know you're getting a great phone "overall" without having to really pick and choose
b. Droids are SUPER powerful phones and very user friendly. But if you don't pick the right one you'll hate it
c. Battery life is much better on any iPhone. Droids aren't as good but you can purchase a spare battery and wall charger cheap. I always have batteries laying around and never think twice about it (I spent $30 for wall charger plus 2 extra batteries)

3) Cost
a. You pay a premium for any Apple product and most of the good Droids. Are you spending more to have the "latest and coolest" or you spending more to have a better product? Either can satisfy this but buying an older generation iPhone/Droid can certainly save you some money without sacrificing much
b. Buy a cheap Droid and you'll have a crappy phone that'll lag, be lacking in updates/support, not be any fun to use

I know I kind of rambled but the only way to be happy with you phone is to know what you're getting beforehand. The only way to do this is to ask yourself questions, then find out if the phone can do that.

My suggestion: Droid Incredible 2. Excellent software, cheap (~$100), and sexy appearance

EDIT: I just thought I'd share something else. My mom never used anything but her old razor for years and is knows nothing of technology. One day walked in for a battery and walked out with a Droid X all by herself. Figured out how to do everything on it including sending me an email bragging about it. Tell THAT to someone who says iPhones are the only easy phone to use :)
OK, here is the deal (thanks BTW).

Its for my wife. She had had various BB's over the last 6 years. Her BB is the main point of contact for emails, calls (obviously - we do not have a home phone), taking photos, movies, funa and games

Additionally, with her Curve she feels a little restricted. She wants to be able to continue and or add on the following functions(as I do with my ipod touch).....
shoot photos/movies
Music Player
browse internet
Plus, I will most likley pay the additional 20 a month for mi-fi so my ipod and home/work laptop will work on the go.

Its not so much that she wants to be cool, but out of function needs a smartphone to complete most of these function with ease.

My MAIN problem with Apple is their surcharge.

I am leaning towards the 4g LTE Thunderbolt or Droid X(has hdmi output[amazing] and takes video in HD[we have a 3.5 old son and my wife will max out a 16g hd card in 3 days]) if I get something NOW. If I wait a little bit I might see what the new Droid does.

I like that the thunderbolt comes with 8g internal and a micro sd card of 32g(something like that)

Ok, you got the facts now, what say you?


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
I still say what I did above, head to a store and play with both of the top options and see how you feel then. Even better, find some friends who have the phenes you want so you can REALLY see how they work. Good luck!


Young & Eager
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Apr 21, 2011
Charlotte, NC
OK, here is the deal (thanks BTW).

Its for my wife. She had had various BB's over the last 6 years. Her BB is the main point of contact for emails, calls (obviously - we do not have a home phone), taking photos, movies, funa and games

Additionally, with her Curve she feels a little restricted. She wants to be able to continue and or add on the following functions(as I do with my ipod touch).....
shoot photos/movies
Music Player
browse internet
Plus, I will most likley pay the additional 20 a month for mi-fi so my ipod and home/work laptop will work on the go.

Its not so much that she wants to be cool, but out of function needs a smartphone to complete most of these function with ease.

My MAIN problem with Apple is their surcharge.

I am leaning towards the 4g LTE Thunderbolt or Droid X(has hdmi output[amazing] and takes video in HD[we have a 3.5 old son and my wife will max out a 16g hd card in 3 days]) if I get something NOW. If I wait a little bit I might see what the new Droid does.

I like that the thunderbolt comes with 8g internal and a micro sd card of 32g(something like that)

Ok, you got the facts now, what say you?
Awesome bro! Looks like you two both have a great idea of what you're looking for. I agree about the Apple surcharge stuff is annoying. Personally the only reason I'd one for my wife2be is if the conversation went like this:
Me: "Why do you want an iPhone?
Her: "Because." (meaning, all her friends have them and she sees them all day long)
Me: "Ok sure." (it's going to be for her and she should be happy)
However, she wanted the exact same thing it appears you and your wife are looking for such as apps, fun, communication, just general use of a phone without limits. We each got Incredibles last summer and we both LOVE them (I dive into the programming/techie side of mine :grin: )

My understanding is if you grab a 4G phone and lock in a contract now, you get to benefit from the 4G network without the extra price tag. Since you mentioned using the hotspot features, 4G will be great because you can benefit from the increased speed on your computers. As long as you pick one of the top line Droids from VZW you should be happy. I have a special spot in my heart for HTC because they have a special "version" of Android that looks really clean and sexy. Thunderbolt is the #1 choice here. The Droid X2 is next in line (In my opinion of course). Incredible 2 and Droid X are also super great options with a much cheaper price tag.

EDIT: Jason has excellent advice

I still say what I did above, head to a store and play with both of the top options and see how you feel then. Even better, find some friends who have the phenes you want so you can REALLY see how they work. Good luck!
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Dec 27, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Hey James!

...Let me tell you up front, in order to be happy with your phone choice, you HAVE to 1) Know what you want out of your phone 2) know what the capabilities of said phone are and 3) what are you willing to pay for your "price to satisfaction" ratio.....
I disagree that you HAVE to know any of those three -- at least not prior to going into the store. It sounds good and resonates with me logically. However, anyone who hasn't used a fairly capable smart phone of a generation released in the last 3 years or so almost certainly will not have adequate sense of what to expect or demand from a smart phone.

As said previously, it will help somewhat to go into a store and put your hands on each of the major platforms. I'm surprised that nobody above has suggested a Windows 7 as an alternative. It has an awful lot going for it. However, few and very far between are the individuals who are going to be perfectly satisfied with Apple or with Droid or with Windows. Everyone's demands are different, but it is pretty easy to find one feature/function/spec about any one of the three that is better than the other two. And no one platform will be your first choice for everything you compare. Just doesn't happen. I recently chose a Windows by a very slight margin over a Droid. The girlfriend chose the opposite. One day we look a the other's phone with envy. The next we smirk that we can do something better/faster/cooler than the other......


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
One day we look a the other's phone with envy. The next we smirk that we can do something better/faster/cooler than the other......
Know the feeling. 'Cept all I do is smirk! :eyebrow:

Wife has a palm. Really nothing about that phone that I like better than my 3GS, and even she says admits I have the better phone over all, she just doesn't like the lack of physical keyboard.
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May 30, 2010
Topeka, KS
Additionally, with her Curve she feels a little restricted. She wants to be able to continue and or add on the following functions(as I do with my ipod touch).....
shoot photos/movies
Music Player
browse internet
Plus, I will most likley pay the additional 20 a month for mi-fi so my ipod and home/work laptop will work on the go.
Looking at your list I notice that Netflix is there. If this is important to her she will be better off with the iPhone as they are not completely supporting Android phones. There reasoning is Android is on so many different platforms that it is hard to make the app work properly. They are planning on building apps for certain phones but not all. Only iPhone, Windows 7 phones and some Blackberrys are officially supported.

I'm surprised that nobody above has suggested a Windows 7 as an alternative. It has an awful lot going for it.
Having used both iPhone and Windows Phone 7 devices I would personally go with the iPhone. Win Phone 7 isn't bad but the interface on iPhone is hard to beat. Also as much as I don't like iTunes I like it a heck a lot better than the Zune software.
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Dec 27, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Good point on the Netflix. I didn't notice that first time through as a desired function. Just last night I was the one smirking as I bided my time watching an episode of Southpark on Netflix while the girlfriend tried unsuccessfully to get a Netflix app to work on her droid....
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Jan 12, 2011
Hilton Head Island
Good point on the Netflix. I didn't notice that first time through as a desired function. Just last night I was the one smirking as I bided my time watching an episode of Southpark on Netflix while the girlfriend tried unsuccessfully to get a Netflix app to work on her droid....
Seriously, the netflix in and of itself could be a deal breaker. We are netflix junkies, stream to TV through the Wii, stream through laptop(on deck while smoking cigars!) and on my ipod touch.

That must be why all those android phone come preinstalled with Blockbuster.

This is getting harder then I thought (about 10 minutes ago I had phone in hand to call verizon and order a htc thunderbold, second guessing now)
