In partnership with Cigar Solutions, we are announcing the soft launch of the BOTL Store. The store will be the official marketplace for BOTL apparel* and future BOTL branded cigar accessories, gadgets and more. The big bonus is that we can make group buys of requested items easy and streamlined for everyone. Ron will hopefully chime in here and explain how that will work as well as anything I may have missed.
This forum is setup for group buy and product requests. What items that aren't currently in the store that you would like to see? The whole idea behind the store is to make it tailored specifically towards our community offering branded and unique products. Sales (including multiple item discounts i.e. HERF Tubes) will be specifically for BOTL members. Need cigar bags? They're in the store already!
You can access the link to the store at the top site menu or by remembering
If you have any questions, please let ask here.
* The remainder of BOTL Hats and Workshirts will return on the BOTL Store July 20th. If you would like to purchase one between now and then, the only place to do so is at the at a special price.