If we want to get into a life and death reliability discussion, let's just end it here...
Wilson Combat.
Speaking of Wilson Combat, buy their magazines - don't use the one that came with the Kimber, or any 1911 for that matter. Well, okay, when I got my Kimber 10 years ago, everybody said to get the Wilson Combat mags. I don't know if Wilson Combat's quality today is what it was ten years ago, but at the time, they were the gold standard for 1911 magazines.
As far as their 1911s are concerned, don't bother looking unless you're prepared to pay at least TWICE what you would pay for a Kimber. Their CQB Compact (Compact CDP equivalent) starts at $2,575. As I understand (from ten years ago), all the parts that go into their weapons are milled from single billets of steel, not molded. (yes, metal parts can be machine molded) So far less chance that something will break in the moment of truth.