I'm a bit of a perdomo whore but thinks it all been covered.
IMHO, his best are history
- Maduro Reserve used to come in red cello and was one of the best 'regular production' NC avail until it was discontinued.
- ESV 91 Maduro was also incredible - if you find either of those, you're in for a treat
So True, although think i was one of the few who prefered ESV 91 natural over maduro. If you find either one of these go for it. If you want to get an idea of what you missed try the CI ESV 91 seconds pretty close the the real thing, IMO.
The Lot23 and Habano lines are both good. If you want a good mild cigar the champagne is a popular one. I would highly suggest the champagne noir that is being released right now. That is one fantastic stick! Strong, spicy, and yummy. The patriarch line is great as well.
2nd everything here, Lot 23 and Habano are good ROTT but improve with some age, and for a mild stick with great flavor tough to beat the orginal champagne, but dying to try the noir hear great things. and the patriarch corojo is one of my favorite sticks, true they are a bit pricey but keep and eye out for a sale and man you are in for a treat.
OK, let me be the first to recommend the fresh rolled wheel of 50 at CI. Put a year or two on 'em and they smoke great.
yeah, exactly these buy em then forget about em, after a year you'll totally understand. this is an recuring theme with perdomos "bargin"/value lines whatever you call em. Slow-Age, Fresh Rolled, etc