BoM Nov '10
Last push before I kick this contest off. I figure some of you Newbs couldn't see my initial contest post because you don't have access to the Marketplace yet. So here's that post...
Still looking for at least 4 to round out entries. If I don't get anyone else by tomorrow (or even if I do) I'm gonna go ahead and get this kicked off.So I did this here a while back and was toying with the idea of doing it on an annual basis, but it was quite a bit of fun and I've accumulated everything I need for the prize pack already. So I'm going to go ahead and run it again . Just like before I need 12 (this number is a little flexible) newbies to raise their hands...and by raise your hands I mean PM me. Please read the following rules before committing to this:
1.) To qualify you must be a newbie to the board. For the purposes of this contest I defined a newbie as being a member for 6 months or less from the date/time on this post. If I don't have a reasonable amount of newbies sign up in a decent amount of time I may extend this some if there is interest.
2.) Must be able to follow rules. You will be given specific instructions on each of the tasks I will have you perform. Please follow them. This makes it easier for me to keep track of everything.
3.) By signing up you are agreeing to participate. It's not as much fun if only half the people that sign up for this actually do any of the tasks. Because I understand that life happens, this contest runs for two weeks (this time around there are some exceptions on a few of the tasks, but you still have ample time).
4.) You'll need a camera. Many of these tasks follow the "pics or it didn't happen" rule. Doesn't have to be anything fancy, a cell phone camera will suffice.
5.) Have fun :grin:.
So now that the rules have been laid out...how does this work? It's easy peasy...ever done a scavenger hunt? Pretty similar. Instead of searching for things though I have you completing cigar related tasks. What tasks you may ask? Not yet. I will post the list of tasks after I have recruited enough newbies and it will mark the beginning of the contest. And no they're not the same as last time. Each of the tasks will be worth a certain amount of points. Some tasks have a portion of the point total awarded based on speed or creativity. When the dust settles whoever has the most points will be crowned the winner and better start shopping for a new mailbox (just ask Fourtotheflush).