Alright, so let's walk through the attack. Let's imagine a scenario where the attacker has both access to the cyphertext on the wire, as well as the ability to to inject data into an HTTP stream. It's a bit of a tall order, but theoretically something you can pull off with ARP spoofing, or by compromising a proxy or router somewhere.
How do you leverage that to launch the sort of attack they're describing? JavaScript's same-origin policy will preclude you from generating traffic to arbitrary SSL site to launch the actual attack, so that's a non-starter. You need a way to get the malicious code onto the actual web site you want to steal session credentials for. Since we've already established they're using SSL, I think we have to abandon entire approach.
Perhaps we can try to sneak the code in via a malicious advertisement or some such? That would get your agent into the browser in the appropriate security context, but it does nothing toward getting you access to the cyphertext. In this scenario the difficulty would be in situating yourself such that you could observe the network traffic AND target the user whose traffic you're watching. This is a VERY tall order in most real world scenarios.
It's entirely possible I'm completely missing something important, but it seems like the overwhelming majority of internet users don't need to worry about this.
Here's a place to start. Charles I think you're close but probably have to be in the middle first, thats how you get your payload to your victim.
Tools needed, Cantenna, laptop, wifi card capable of packet injection, backtrack 5r1 and squid proxy
1. Do a little war driving, find a house using WEP encryption. Crack it. Right now you're down about 15 minutes including drive time. If all that is available is WPA/WPA2 this is going to take longer than 15 minutes lol.
2. Once you're on net run WireShark for a while and see what kind of network traffic you have. If someones home and doing alot of browsing, BINGO.
3. Do a little ARP poisoning or SYN flood to de-auth the computer from the WAP.
4. Once de-authed start your computer accepting connections for the name of the access point. Windows being ohh so helpful will connect to the stronger signal (thank you cantenna).
Now that the persons internet connection is traversing your laptop.
5. Start the squid proxy. This is about the only part that will take some pre-planning in having said mentioned Java exploit put into a usable form and squid set up to replace an advertisement with your tainted java. Something common like a yahoo banner or google add would be a pretty good bet.
6. Start WireShark collecting packets.
What do you think?
Cheers :ccool: